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The school day didn't last long. Michael stood up before Logan. Since that morning he had been anticipating the end of the day. He wanted to tell her. Not everything, just something so she wouldn't think bad of.

"Logan." This immediately gained her attention. She brushed black hair from her face and looked up at him. Before he could say anything, however, Wesley swung around the corner.

"Ready to go Logan?" Wesley asked. He leaned against the doorway, tapping his foot impatiently.

Logan nodded, pausing to glance at Michael. "One second, Kay'?"

Michael, however, sent daggers at Wesley. His smirk was ever so present on his face. Michael was aware of his thing for Logan. It was why he left him alone while she was around. Any time he thought about it, it made him feel sick. Disgusted with him. Disgusted with himself for thinking Logan would ever.

"No, don't worry about it." Michael said coldly. His eyes were still on Wesley. "I'll tell you tomorrow."

Logan made a sour face. "You sure?" She confirmed, sliding her bag over her shoulder. She paused to untangle her hair from the straps. Michael nodded. Logan felt uncomfortable. Glares were being passed between the two boys, an uneasy aura radiating from Michael.

"Okay then, Let's go Wesley." Logan said cautiously. She grabbed his arm and pulled him away from her blonde friend. Wesley grinned as he was dragged away.

He had to resist the urge to rush after him. Every muscle in his body told him to do so. But he couldn't if it meant Logan would bear witness to it. His art just wasn't for her.

And sometimes he questioned if he would ever let her see it.


Logan got home rather quickly. Wesley, outside of school, made her very uncomfortable she found out. He was silent for most of the walk, trying to keep any part of him touching her; hand holding, arms interlocked, arm around her neck. It was gross.

Michael trusted Logan. However, he could not trust Wesley; he figured something bizarre would happen on their walk home, and as it wasn't far out of his way, he stalked the two of them from the thick treeline. He watched with distaste as Wesley attempted to move closer and closer to Logan.

She attempted to withdraw herself from his touch multiple times. Each reaction only drove him closer to her. By the time they had reached her house, Logan was ecstatic to get inside and away from him.

It wasn't too often she felt this way around friends, but god she hated the way Wesley looked at her now. Sometimes she regretted befriending him.

Michael wanted nothing more to tear him away from her and finish the job. Then she could really see his work. So he could explain his emotions. Show her he cared just a little bit. But she was similar to his mother... She would not appreciate his work.

He was right, of course. Logan would have a fit if she had watched him at work. The grotesque violence Michael committed on animals would make her sick. He knew that.

When Logan disappeared inside her house, Wesley jolted around. He lived on the opposite side of town from Logan. She didn't know this. Or else she would never let him walk her home. Michael watched him carefully, a small grin on his lips.



Halloween was only a month away. Michael was much more excited than Logan. She preferred Christmas or Easter.

The next morning, Logan was already in the classroom when Michael came in. "Good morning!" She said awkwardly. "You wanted to talk to me yesterday." She reminded.

He nodded. "Yeah. I just wanted to... Explain..."

Logan's frown shifted into a smile. "You don't need to explain yourself. Even I have bad days."

He was tempted to seek out a different answer. An answer that would suffice to explain his awkward behaviour. But instead, he took his seat. "Okay."

Logan jumped at the opportunity for another conversation. "So, did you finish the homework?" Of course he didn't. When he didn't say anything, Logan pulled out a paper and slid it into his table. It was last night's homework, written in a handwriting that closely resembled Michael's. "You write kinda sloppy, so it wasn't too hard to copy it." She said cheerfully.

Logan didn't realize how creepy she came off. Copying his handwriting to do his homework for him? That was bizarre. Of course, plenty of kids in his class did this sort of thing with their smart friends, but with consent; Michael hadn't asked for this.

"Thanks." He was taken aback, surely. It was unexpected for her to be so kind despite him only now being able to apologize to her. She was preparing to give it to him even if he HADN'T tried to explain himself. "Don't make this a habit. I don't want people expecting things from me."

Logan smiled. "Don't worry, we won't get caught!" She tapped her forehead. "I got a secret you don't know about yet."

Michael sighed, holding back a smile he hadn't known he was holding. "You're weird."


𝙜𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙨 𝙝𝙖𝙡𝙛 𝙛𝙪𝙡𝙡 • MICHAEL MYERSWhere stories live. Discover now