62. Let's Be Civil (Casey)

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   We finally enter the big house. It would be a huge understatement to say that Mozart and I are reluctant. We are so unwilling to move that Avery has to push me with a hand on my waist and pull the dog's leash with all force. We pile up in the door frame, get stuck, and after a short, but notable commotion, pop out into the vast, sunlit, entrance hall.

   It feels like we have just entered a luxury aristocratic mansion. The ceiling is double high. Curved staircases with ornamented, wrought Iron railings on both sides lead to the second level. The floor is lined with designer ceramic tiles, resembling Greek mosaics. The entire opposite wall is made of glass, revealing the lush flower garden and an Olympic size swimming pool, surrounded by leafy banana trees and fan palms, all against the background of the calm, glimmering sea.

   "Wow! This must be Heaven," I gasp at the stunning view.

   "I doubt it," Ave grumbles. "Why then is there a demon, sunbathing right in the middle of it?"

   I follow his gaze to a deck chair, occupied by Ebony in an almost nonexistent black, two-piece bikini. She is grinning from ear to ear and waving at us, as if we are her best friends ever. I can see that Avery is undoubtedly at the end of his patience. He is clenching his fist and biting nervously his lips. I've never seen him so tense.

   "Ave, calm down," I squeeze his hand. "Just an hour or two, ok? We'll sneak out at the first opportunity. Let's be civil and greet your father."

   Avery nods in agreement and hesitantly tries to smile, "I'm so sorry, Bunny! I don't want to make scenes. I promise. It's just that even being here is driving me insane. A bunch of hypocrites..."

   "Caseyyyy!" Ebony yells, opening widely the French doors. She squints disapprovingly at Mozart who uses the opportunity to hurtle past her and disappear without a trace somewhere in the tall rose shrubs. Clever dog. Ave's sister focuses her attention back on me, "I was so worried about you, honey. What happened to you? Was it a virus or some allergic reaction? I wanted to come to see you, but my dear brother was angry with me for some unknown reason and wouldn't let me."

   She rolls dramatically her eyes and makes an attempt to hug me, but Avery steps between us and hisses, "Don't touch him! What are you doing here? You are aware that I can get you arrested for this, aren't you?"

   I'm shocked. What does he mean? I don't need to wonder for long, though, as Ave takes out his phone and states, "I'm calling the police. If you don't know the meaning of a restraining order, they'll explain it to you better than me. I strongly advice you to cover your boobs and bare ass as well. There's no one to impress here. I assure you that you don't posses the body part that would attract my boyfriend."

   "How rude!" Ebony smirks. "Stubborn and impulsive as always. Do it then! I wonder how you are going to explain this to father. He'll be so thrilled to hear your stupid accusations. You don't expect him to believe you, do you? Idiot!"

   "Hey!" I step towards her. How dare she insult Ave! "Watch your language!"

   "Oh, please! What are you going to do, nerd? Throw your glasses at me?" she sneers. "You are both pathetic. You have no idea how dangerous it is to mess with me. You did it once, Avery. It won't happen again. I'll pay you back for what you did to Robert."

   "Robert did it to himself by stealing..." Ave starts, but is interrupted by the cheerful voice of his mother.

   "How wonderful! My babies! I'm so happy you get along so well," she chirps gleefully. Is this woman blind? It's more than obvious that her 'babies' are shooting daggers at each other. "Come on, children! Daddy is waiting outside. We need a hand with the food. He'll be so happy to meet Ave's colleague. Philip has always been so interested in your work, boys."

   She heads energetically to the wooden, open gazebo on the other side of the pool with Ebony hot on her heels. We look at each other and, seeing no better option, follow them.

   "Ave relax," I look at him insistently. He's fuming. I really hope Ebony won't provoke him again.

   "Ahh, always happy to see young people, having fun around the house," a tall, handsome man claps his hands and beams at us. "We are still in pretty good shape for a party ourselves, aren't we, Mae?"

   Mae giggles flirtatiously in response while her husband gives me a judgmental look and adds, sounding totally unconvinced, "I see you like working out just like Ave, young man. Some golf and swimming will be right to your taste, I believe. Call me Phil," he holds out his hand.

   I take it and mumble, trying to ignore the cracking of my joints in his iron grip, "I'm Casey. Nice to meet you, Phil! I... hmm... have never played golf."

   "Aaah, that's not a problem. I'm sure Ave can show you the basics," he states and turns to his son. "So, this is your new employee who came up with that brilliant algorithm... "

   "He's also my boyfriend," Ave grumbles gloomily.

   "Yes, yes, I know. Mae told me that you are friends from the university," Philip nods energetically. "Do you have a girl, Casey? If you're still single, I know some beautiful ladies who will be thrilled to meet our star developer. I predict a bright future for you in the company."

   Ave looks like a dark thundercloud. He opens his mouth and I can smell the storm coming. Suddenly, my phone rings, preventing the disaster. I excuse myself with relief and hurry to hide behind the nearest banana tree.

   "Casey, where are you?" Lilly shouts in my ear. "If there's a TV nearby, turn it on immediately. I knew something was going on. Ave should've come when I called you the other day. I think Ebony has managed somehow to get hold on..."

   "Is everything alright, Bunny?" Ave approaches. "You look as white as a sheet. I think it's best we leave now. Who is calling?"

   "The TV," I shriek, spotting one on a shelf, under the canopy, and throw myself to the remote control. Then I remember that Lilly is still on the line and whisper in horror "Lilly, what channel?"

   "The national television," she answers. "Wait, Maya is calling. I'll come back to you later."

   I leave the phone on the nearby table and grab the remote control.

   "What is happening?" Ave pulls it from my trembling fingers and turns the TV on, searching for the right channel. "What did Lilly say? What are they broadcasting?"

   "I have no idea," I flop on a chair. My heart is pounding. A dreadful suspicion makes my stomach shrink. I am mulling the past events over and over in my head and am almost certain about it, but still hold on to the faint hope that I might be wrong. I peek at Ebony. She sneers, leaning on the table, in her miniature swimming suit, staring at me mockingly. 

 "Children what is this fuss about?" Mae keeps asking while Philip sits on a chair next to me and hands me a glass of wine with a bright smile.

   "I thought the presentation of the new app is tomorrow, Avery," he says. "You know that I do not approve watching television during lunch."

   "Oh, dad," Ebony smirks, "I promise that you'll like this one." 


Photo by Taryn Elliott from Pexels


Hello everyone at the end of Chapter 62!

Thank you so much for reading and supporting! ❤❤❤

Things seems to get worse by the second.

What do you think is on the national television? 🤔

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See you in next chapter.

Love: Anny

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