Part 10

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"Blitz I mean this in every offense possible, you're being the loudest right now." Astrid whispered to her boss as he continued to stumble through trash bags. Millie and Luna were currently waiting for the all clear to cross through the portal when Blitz pounced on Moxie and covered his mouth. "Shhhh..." he gazed around with his bright yellow eyes. Astrid lashed her tail and hid behind a trash bin. It smelled terrible but she wasn't exactly focused on that at the moment.

"Luna close it!" Blitz shouted to his daughter. Millie tried to jump through but it was too late. Moxie quickly pulled out his gun and was running towards the humans who had spotted them when one of them pulled out a dart gun, Astrid ran to stop him but it was too late. Another human had already knocked out Blitz and both were now trained on her. The flecks of purple in her eyes disappeared in rage and she flew up as fast as she could, onto the roof of the nearest building, she felt a searing pain in one wing that she was sure hadn't come from just a dart. She flopped clumsily on the roof and watched in horror  as the two humans dragged off her new found friends.

She waited and a few minutes later, Millie and Luna came through the portal. Astrid had been tending to her wing and glided clumsily down to meet them. "Astrid? What happened to your wi- where are the boys?"

"I'm sorry." She replied shamefully, "I tried to stop them, the humans that showed up darted both of them and took them I don't know where."

"Why the fuck didn't you stop them? You have all those weird powers why don't you use them to be useful for once!?" Luna spat.

"I tried, I was going to fly up and follow the humans but they shot down one of my wings and I couldn't fly." Luna glared at her with piercing red eyes. "Besides, I was waiting for you so that I didn't run off and do something stupid."

"Come on Luna, she didn't mean for them to get away, let's go, they can't be that far."

Apparently tracking them was pretty easy when you had a hell hound with you who could smell her adopted dad from 5 miles away. "We can't walk there, it'll take to long." Astrid complained, looking around at the deserted dark street.

Luna walked up to a car. "Who said anything about walking?" She asked, ramming the door open with her bare hands. "Shouldn't y'all change into your human forms?" Millie asked. Astrid shifted and realized how much her demon form had really started to grow on her. Luna had also shifted and hurried Millie in the car since she didn't have a human form.

It was a quick drive over to where Blitz and Moxie had been taken, it was quite obvious that Luna had no clue how to drive, but Astrid wasn't about to judge.

"Alright, be quiet, we can't be seen." Astrid muttered when they had reached the government building. Luna sniffed out the room that Blitz and Moxie were in from the outside. "Wait." Astrid put a hand out to stop them. "There's something weird in there, we need to find out how to get rid of it." Millie looked over. "It's some kind of weird gas... oh my poor Moxie!" She whispered shrilly. "Sh... I'm sure he's ok. We just need to air it out without getting exposed to it."

Astrid proceeded to open a portal and reached in, digging her hand around until she had found what she needed. She pulled out a purple and blue messenger bag. It was just a bag that she had casted a simple spell of infinite space on. She dug around and pulled out 3 gas masks and handed one to each of them.

"What?" She asked looking at their faces of shock. "It's just a bag that I put a spell on."
They all put on the mask and Millie used a pistol to shoot open a latch on the window. The odd looking gas spilled out of the window and they crawled in. "Blitz? Come on, Blitz wake up." Astrid was poking him and began to untie her boss. "Wha, loony have you eaten breakfast this morning?" Blitz awoke with a start and started talking incoherently for a few seconds.

Once the area had completely aired out and the boys had been untied, they began looking for what to do next. Then, a bunch of men kicked down the door and began shooting. "Ok I've had one too many emotions for today so guys, let's just fuck shit up!"
"Sounds good." Astrid laughed, digging in her bag for a few spells.
"Eh, they're all just humans, what can they do really?" Blitz laughed, waving them off. "Says the guy who was just kidnapped by just two humans." Luna growled, dodging the bullets.

They began to fight, emergency lights had been flicked on as more backup flowed indefinitely through the door.

"How the fuck does one government building have so many workers?" Astrid asked irritability as she sent another one into a void, "hello Steven!" She shouted to the tentacles that were currently grabbing the guards at random. The ground had started swaying beneath her and she was painfully reminded that too much magic was bad for her, she drew out a bow and a sheath of arrows and had fallen back to shooting the guys.

"Why did you stop using magic?" Blitz asked as he shot a guy in the head. An angry red x was now burning on her chest as she glared over at him. "I can't do magic for an extended period of time or else I'll pass out shit head." She replied, downing another guy with an arrow to the neck. "We're fighting a bunch of government officials that have guns and you're just using a bunch of pointy sticks!?"

"You can't be talking because Luna, Millie, and I just saved your damn life!"

Astrid paused and pointed her arrow at one of the guards chest. "I cannot, in good conscious, kill this person." She told Blitz. "Since when the fuck do you actua-" Astrid let go of the string and let the arrow fly into the person's heart. "What?" She asked at the look of confusion on his face. "I said I couldn't kill him with good conscious. Luckily I don't have one." He laughed and ran off to help the others.

She downed two more with one arrow before falling back with the others, the guards were surrounding and it was taking all of her willpower not to have a panic attack while memories of the night she died played over and over in her head.

It was then that the weird occurrence happened. The monitors that had been surveying them on the walls were now buzzing black and white, the communication devices were buzzing on and off seemingly on their own. For a wild moment Astrid had thought Alastor was behind it, remembering the radio show he ran, but shook the thought away out of realizing how stupid it was.

A portal had opened and out stepped Stolas, the Ars Goetia that took the form of an owl like human that fancied Blitz. In one hit he blasted all the guards away and turned everything except the emergency light to normal.

"Stolas?" Astrid asked, amazed at his timing. "How did you know where we were?" Blitz questioned. "I will always know where you are," he poked Blitz fondly on the nose, "my little imp."

Blitz rolled his eyes. "Ok let's just go and get this over with, come on guys." Blitz started walking back to Stolas's portal. "But sir, what about those guys?"

Moxie was pointing over to the two humans who had dragged them to the government building in the first place. "I already told you, I have a name." Blitz replied irritably.

"You shouldn't worry about them, humans do not usually listen to the crazed or the insane." Stolas replied, having to kneel down just to be remotely close to Moxie's height. Astrid made her wings reappear and walked through. She tried to refrain from giggling as Stolas began to ask Blitz for a "thank you"

Demon with wings (a Hazbin Hotel and Helluva boss fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now