Chapter 1: The State of Us

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London, England
May 21, 1818

Can he not even do estrangement properly? The dark skies above London filled with heavy rain clouds mirrored Rain's mood as she ascended the steps to the townhouse belonging to the Duke of Winterbourne. Her husband. Over the past two years, they had perfected the estrangement dance; shifting in and out of their residence as needed, making sure they never had to see each other. Until suddenly, a few days ago, he had returned home with the excuse that his set at the Albany needed refurbishing. That was not the deal. She didn't want him there.

The only time they spent under one roof was during the annual Christmas house party held by her mother-in-law at their country residence. It was a tradition no one had wanted to change, so once a year, they spent a week in the same house—albeit not the same bedroom. In fact, even then they saw each other as little as possible. An easy feat in an enormous house filled with guests. But it was not Christmas. Their house was not filled with other people. It was only them and the servants, and she didn't want her husband that close. It brought everything back. The hurt. The betrayal.

A footman followed her inside with the packages from her trip to Bond Street. Shopping helped her clear her head. There had been a lot of shopping the past couple of days. Having Marcus in the same house had done one thing; it had spurred on a decision she had mulled over for months. It was time.

Leaving the footman to bring the boxes to her room where her maid could deal with them, she continued up the curved stairs leading to the first floor. She needed to have a discussion with her husband. He would most likely be in his study at the end of the hallway. It was where he spent most of his time. Even if she saw little of him, the simple knowledge that he was in the same house was enough for her nerves to curl into a tight ball. It was uncomfortable. As she continued down the long hallway, she slowly pulled her gloves off and untied the silk bows of her bonnet. The mundane tasks made her worry less about the impending confrontation. Putting the gloves inside the bonnet and dangling it like a little basket, she took a deep breath as she noticed that the door to his study was open.

Her mouth felt dry and prickles of wariness travelled along her skin. Maybe he wasn't home. The discussion could wait until another day. Her hopes were dashed as she found him sitting behind his desk, going through what she assumed was business correspondence. Stopping in the doorway, she took the opportunity to look at him before he realised he wasn't alone. The Duke of Winterbourne was a large man at well above six feet, with wide, imposing shoulders. His dark brown hair curled slightly over his forehead as he leaned over the desk. It was kept slightly shorter than the current fashion, but he had never been one to care much for the opinions of others.

She suddenly found herself staring into his hazel eyes as he lifted his head and caught sight of her. A flash of surprise came and went so quickly she wasn't sure if it was only in her imagination. Marcus had always been good at hiding his true feelings. Had she known that when they first met, she never would have made the mistake of marrying him.

"Miranda." He stood and motioned for her to enter the room. "I didn't realise you had returned home."

She walked up to stand in front of the desk, keeping her gaze steady and her steps calm. "I only just arrived back, but I wish to speak to you."

"I see." He gave her a thoughtful look before nodding towards the chairs next to her. "Please, sit."

"No, that's all right. I would rather stand. It won't take long."

When she didn't speak for a few moments, he cleared his throat and raised his eyebrows inquisitively. "What did you wish to speak to me about?"

"I want an annulment."

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