Chapter 30: Homecoming (Part 2)

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Marcus forced himself to hold Thomson's gaze, even as he wanted nothing more than to rush to Rain's side and take her in his arms. But when he'd seen the pistol in the other man's hand, he'd known he had to tread carefully to keep her safe. Seeing her wince in pain as Thomson pulled her close nearly broke him. The man would pay for anything he did to her. Tenfold.

"Why did you do it?" he asked, trying to keep Thomson's attention even as he could hear Hemsworth and Osborne coming closer.

The other man had noticed too. "Stay back," he snarled. "You don't want me to put a bullet in this pretty head, do you?"

Marcus held a hand up and the sound of feet moving on the gravel path stopped.

A smirk appeared on Thomson's face. "I didn't think so."

"Why would you betray your country?" Marcus asked again. "You served in the War Office for years."

"I saw an opportunity, and I took it." Thomson lifted one shoulder in a shrug, and with a sneer, he added, "Maybe if I had been born with a silver spoon in my mouth like some others, I would not have felt the need to."

"What of Mr Brown?" Osborne asked from behind Marcus. "Was he in on it?"

"Brown was a deviant." Thomson spat on the ground. "I found out about that place he used to visit. What type of people went there. And I used the information to make him help me get that list. Then he got cold feet and ruined the whole thing!"

"He changed his mind."

"Yes. He was the one with the list and was meant to meet the Frenchman to give it to him. I gave Fontaine the address of the inn he stayed at, but when they got there, he refused to give it to them. They killed him for it and then came to me for it. But I don't have it and with Brown gone, I have no access to those files."

"So the list is gone." With his wife in this man's grip, Marcus wasn't as relieved as he would have been, but it was something.

"Yes. He must have burned it. Told me he would, but I didn't think he'd have the balls. He ruined my life by doing that." Thomson made a face, then chuckled darkly. "Although, I suppose I should thank you. With Fontaine now behind bars, he will no longer come for me."

"There is one thing I don't understand," Marcus said, trying to take a step closer, but Thomson immediately secured his hand holding the pistol, and Marcus froze. Flexing his hands in frustration, he threw a quick look at Rain. She stood silently, listening to the conversation, making no move to antagonise her captor. The best approach, for sure.

"What's that?" Thomson prompted when Marcus hesitated.

"Why did you attack my wife?" he asked, his voice tight. "I assume you are the one who blackmailed our maid and attacked her outside the Leigthon's?"

It baffled him. There was no clear connection between the two. Thomson didn't move in the same social circles as they did, so they could hardly have offended him. Having worked with Marcus in the past, Thomson would not have been surprised to find his name on that list and want to seek revenge for something he had been involved in. It made no sense.

A shrill laugh that sent cold fear through Marcus escaped from the other man. "So you figured it out," he said, his tone mocking. "Yes. I was the one. The possibility of the list being public gave me the perfect excuse to do something I have wanted to do my whole life."

Marcus frowned. "Pardon? We haven't known each other that long."

"Not in person, no." Something about the frenetic energy around Thomson seemed off, and Marcus didn't like it. It was as if he had thrown off any guise of civility, of politeness, and was only now showing his true self. "But I've known about you for as long as I can remember. The rightful heir."

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