Chapter 27: The Letter

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Something tickled Marcus's nose, and he awoke with a start, only to discover that the culprit was none other than Mr Claws. The tabby cat stared back at him from atop Rain's pillow, where he sat at the top of her head. From her even breathing, she appeared to still be sleeping, so Marcus tried to shoo the cat away. To no avail. The animal had found the spot he preferred, and nothing could make him budge. How the cat had made it inside Marcus's room, he did not know. Most likely, he had snuck inside when the maid came to start the fire in the grate in the early morning.

Ignoring the feline's amber gaze, Marcus settled back down. He felt lighter than he ever remembered feeling in his life. Like a weight had lifted off his shoulders.

She's not leaving.

He drew in a deep breath. She would stay. This was fortunate because, after last night, her leaving would have crushed him. He was man enough to admit that much, at least. He wanted—no, he needed—Rain in his life. 

Turning his head to watch her sleeping form, he reached out to trail a hand along the curve of her waist and hips. Last night had been amazing. And he wanted so much more. He wanted to make love to her in every way imaginable. Hear his name on her lips. Every moan and every gasp. They were all for him, and he would take great pleasure in coaxing them out. She was his now. And he was hers. Nothing would change that.

He rolled onto his side so he could place a soft kiss on her bare shoulder while the hand on her hip drew lazy circles on her skin. She made a low sound that was not unlike that of a purring cat. He smiled against her back. Maybe that was why animals were so drawn to her; she was partly one herself. Gripping her hip, he pulled her back against him where she fit neatly against his frame, even if he now had the top of her head by his lips. One disadvantage of being a tall man. Fortunately, he loved the smell of her hair. That recognisable scent of violets.

Mr Claws rose from the pillow and, after an accusatory glare as if cursing Marcus for stealing his comfortable spot, he turned around and left the bed. Having the bed and his wife to himself, Marcus slid his hand up Rain's chest to cup her breast. He loved how she felt in his arms. Soft and supple. Her breathing had changed cadence, so she was obviously awake. Bending his head, he placed a kiss below her ear.

"Good morning, darling," he murmured.

"Morning." She yawned and stretched in his arms, making her bottom push more firmly against him.

The need for her was instant and urgent. With a grunt, he flipped her onto her back and covered her with his body. It was still early. There was no need to get up yet. And they still had a lot of time to make up for. Rain smiled up at him as he bent to kiss her neck. Oh, he would give her something to smile about.

It was nearly noon by the time they left his bedroom. And his bed. He couldn't remember a time he had stayed in bed so late in the day, but he could see himself choosing to do so many times in the future if he shared it with Rain.

"You're smiling." She looked up at him from his side as they walked down the hallway.

"I'm happy." It was a simple statement, but it was true. He wasn't sure he'd ever felt this joyful and content before. It was all thanks to her. And he needed to tell her so.

She gave him a bashful smile. "Me too."

He nearly grabbed her and pulled her back to the bedroom. But there were things to do, and they had time. All the time in the world. His mind instantly conjured up several things he wanted to do to his wife, and he might have pushed her up against the wall right there if he didn't hear footsteps coming towards them. A moment later, the butler came around a corner.

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