37: is it wrong to want something for yourself

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Jianyu ran up to Ning jie he received him in his arms and kissed him on his cheeks.

"My little bun" he said brushing his hair gently

Ning jie pinched his cheek gently as the little one grinned at him showing Bai Ling.

"Why don't we go visit grandpa today" he said


Ning jie lift up Jianyu hugging him preciously as he walked to the carriage he missed out so much of his little boy's life.

Ning jie held his hand as they both walked into the marquis's yard the madame Ning greeted them.

"Hmm where is Yanlin?" The madame Ning said

"His attending classes" Ning jie said

"Then why are you here" she said

Ning jie sighed frustrated

"Where is father?" He asked

"His out on a business trip" she said

"I see where is elder brother I'd like to speak to him"

"His not here he went on the trip with your father" she said

"I see excuse mother I'd like to asked a few things pertaining to Yuan" he said

"Yes" she asked

"Jianyu why don't you go play with Bai Ling" Ning jie said


Jianyu ran to play with Bai ling madame face looked upset.

"I can't believe his majesty really give him such a rare and powerful creature"

"Is there anything wrong with it?" Ning jie said

"Yanlin doesn't have one and soon he will start cultivating"

"Mother when Yanlin starts cultivating he'll have his own"

"Aren't you spoiling Jianyu too much Jie'er: madame Ning said

"Mother let's not continue on this topic and I came to asked you mother did you know Yuan had feelings for the emperor" Ning jie said.

Madame Ning went silent then then she looked at Ning jie coldly.


Ning jie eyes was filled again he was betrayed

"You Nev-"

"Why should I honesty" she looked at him turning "don't look at me like you've always been like this you've always been in her way why should I tell you anything" she said.

"Why? Don't you feel a bit of conscience for me your son" he asked

"ARE YOU?!" She asked out loud

Ning jie froze

"What do you mean?"

"Gers or they man or they female it's really disgusting really" she said

"Me I'm disgusting"

"The emperor doesn't love you Ning jie his opinion is similar to mine really he only tolerates you because of how much you look like Yuan you said he doesn't touch because it's because his disgusted by you really" she said.

"He proposed to me first he wanted to marry me from day one every thing was fine until that night"

"She was only claiming what was hers from the beginning what it was all hers" she said.

"Can she do no wrong in your eyes mother can I ever be right I've tolerated so much your words were 'Jie'er forgive Yuan she's been so good to you indulge her this once' I had to share the man I love with my sister do you have any idea how that felt you've never supported me not once" he said holding his tears.

"Your lover he was never yours you've just always jumped into things and now you've fall it's your fault Yuan fell down the wrong path" she yelled,

"My fault is it wrong to want something for yourself Yuan took her path and I took mine I've save the child she almost killed I took him in as my own and Yet you blame me" Ning jie said angrily.

"Yes all you Gers are the same but let me tell you we are women they all belong to us you caused this Yuan was an angel until you took her lover always up to no good Causing trouble honestly you can be such a-"

"Don't talk to my mother like that!" Jianyu yelled defending his mother.

"Out of this"

"My father only love is my mother and not the wicked auntie don't you dare say father doesn't love mother"

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