64: QiQiang

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Zihao put Ning jie on his bed and have TengFei Xinjiang put an array around him to protect him.

"Now let's heal you Zihao your core isn't fragile and even if it's shatter I know it will restore itself but still I don't like seeing my sweet nephew in pain" he said.

Zihao kept himself at a distance and look at Ning jie,

"Don't worry the little wifey is fine as long as he remains under my protective array his body will need a few days rest" TengFei Xinjiang said.

"Yu'er" he said

"Yu'er? Oh the offshoot I saw him he does look a lot like you Xiao Zihao" he smiled


Zihao found the man insufferable right now and he turned away from him to look for Jianyu.

As Zihao left TengFei Xinjiang sat in a corner and began to drink high grade wine he wonders back as to why he came to love wine.

"Xiao Zihao!"

TengFei Xinjiang said nothing as he heard a familiar peppy voice then he smirked, Xian walked in with the boy in his hand dragging him on the floor.

"Let me go and let go let me kill you"

"Your 300,000 years too young for you to challenge me hatchling" he said

"Hmp I hatched 14 thousand years ago hmp" he pouts.

TengFei Xinjiang felt a familiar scent coming from the kid but said nothing as he watched Xian dragged him by his collar.

"TengFei XiangLiang"

Xian looked up shocked his colour flushed from his face he let go off the young child and stared at TengFei Xinjiang completely immobile with fear.


"Oi your not permitted to say my name didn't I tell you" he said gulping down the wine.

"Brother" he said coldly

TengFei Xinjiang finally acknowledged his presence.

"What are you doing here?" Xian asked respectfully

"Doing your job apparently so XiangLiang tell me-" suddenly appeared infront Xian and grab him by his throat "why is it your not next to Wei Zihao" he said coldly.

Xian held his hand to try and remove his grip but TengFei Xinjiang's strength far surpassed TengFei XiangLiang.

"Hey his your brother?!" The boy said


Now that TengFei Xinjiang looked at the kid fully the kid's face annoyed him profoundly his face was like a mockery to him along with his race.

"A Dracotaur one not just any Dracotaur one with ancestral blood it's revolting really"

The kid did not understand him he knew he was dragon that's all he knew about himself he was an orphan after all.

They say it's natural for earthly dragons to not have parents and their eggs can survive for a thousand years and if no one hatched the egg it dies but the kid had no one to hatch his egg and the only clue of who he was.

Was with a sleeping man in an ice coffin even after 14 thousand years the man had yet to awaken or decay.

"You it's your brother why treat him as such let go"

The kid had heavenly binds on him so he couldn't use his true power even if he did it wouldn't make a difference so the poor thing could only struggle cutely.

TengFei Xinjiang was complex he could not hit the kid away even though he wanted to because it felt as though he'd be hitting the person whom he resembles even though he hated that said person he could never bring himself to hit or hurt him.

So with great reluctance he just threw him to the floor.

"Who dares you to touch me you who has ants blood in his veins"

The kid who was how scary TengFei Xinjiang was eyes suddenly fill with tears and his face started to become ugly.

"Wooooooo! You are a bully" he wailed

TengFei Xinjiang was taken a back he didn't expect that but still the young one was still a very young dragon could be considered a baby if not for his human Gene's he'd be a baby.

"Ah kid"

"*sniffed* QiQiang ahhh"

TengFei did not call him by name he just patted his head and a sudden warmth grew under his hand QiQiang sniffed sadly.

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