89: Only Capable of Loving One

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An Yuan who was walking side by side with the emperor. An Yuan was in deep contemplation about something.

"Your imperial majesty…" 


"Your painting of Lady Ning… is there a meaning behind it?" 

"Meaning?" The emperor thinks deeply, he remembers how playful Ning Jie was about how childish he was painted. "Lovely" 

An Yuan pauses in his steps. Could it be? 

An Yuan wonders if the emperor has feelings for the siblings, in the heavens polygamous relationships aren't very liked and he wonders if this realm has affected the emperor. He hasn't touched any of the maidens I'm the harem but could it be that he is in love with the Ning siblings? 



It's rare to see the emperor compliment someone like that or seemingly gentle other than those in close relations to him. 

"Um your imperial majesty, aren't you planning to marry the young master Ning?" 

The emperor pauses, looks at him, then looks away. His ear tips tinged with redness and then he said, "yes, I will" he touched his chest fingering with a ring on his finger.

An Yuan didn't know what to say or do, would his imperial majesty not engage with Ning Yuan and only pursue Ning Jie? If so that's a good thing but if come realise who his true feelings were with the poor master Yuan would be devastated. 

Unbeknownst to An Yuan the emperor's regards for Ning Yuan is that she is a lovely little sister and because he will soon propose to Ning Jie then she will officially be his little sister which he never had. That was all to it and almost never that he thinks of Yuan without Ning Jie, while yes he did paint Ning Yuan out into a lovely beauty and Ning Jie more simplicity and cutely there was clearly much more emotions within the painting of Ning Jie considering he stands out and was not necessary to the beauty of the painting. 

The emperor was simply painting Ning Yuan in the present while he painted Ning Jie simply out of thought.

But who could understand the mind of a cold and unemotional Emperor? 

Three days later the emperor was with Ning Yuan beneath the tree in the imperial garden. 

"What? You're going to propose?" She gasped.


He has been contemplating it for a while but he doesn't know how to, Ning Yuan thinks then had an idea, "your imperial majesty why don't we go to the market?" 

"Gege is very mischievous, we don't want him finding out your plans too soon. So why not go out for a bit?" 

The emperor thinks then nods agreeing, Ning Jie was after all very sly. 

Taking a stroll outside the mansion, Ning Yuan's heart speeds at being alone with the emperor. She looks at his majestic face with admire and desire, "s-so, your imperial majesty… What is it that you like about Ning jie?" 

The emperor looks at him, "not like what I like… it's what I love" the emperor corrects her. "And I love everything…" 

Ning Yuan feels her heart stings, how could he say that while she is here? 

"R-really? So you're not a bit unfavourable by the actions of my gege?" 

"No, that's just Jie Er, nothing to dislike." 

Ning Yuan feels envious, why can't it be her? Remembering her second older brother's wedding her heart feels heavy when will anyone look at her like that when will anyone devote themselves to her? Is she not kind? Is she not sweet? What is she doing wrong?

"What about me?..." her thoughts slip.

The emperor looks at her then asks, "what about you?" 

There was a thought in her mind saying not to engage but soon, her desire to know overcame it. "I mean, don't your imperial majesty love me too? Ning Jie and I are this close after all, so… there is no loving one without the other" 

The emperor stops in his tracks, he turns to her and looks her in the eyes then speaks. "My heart is only available for one and cannot fit another and that one is Ning Jie." 

Ning Yuan breath hinges; it feels as though someone had stabbed her in it.

'It hurts' 

Gentle tears fell down her cheeks slowly. 

"W-Why not me?" She asks.

"You're not Ning Jie," the emperor answered firmly.

Though she was hurting he did not comfort her, he did break eye contact, he did not show hesitation in himself there was no room for doubt and that was painful. 

"I-I see, I-I'm sorry. I won't pursue this any further" Ning Yuan wipes her eyes, "I'd like to end this stroll sorry I couldn't help you *sniff* I'm I… sorry" 

She turns away walking and the emperor leaves her to her emotions, he feels sorry for her but she will find her true love later. 

Ning Yuan who returned home was now crying on the thighs of her mother who was stroking her hair gently. 

"Why is it never not me?! If not my great swordsman elder brother then it's my stoic scholar second older brother and if not for my second older brother it's the infamous Ning Jie! But what about Yuan! What about me?!" 

Madam Ning clenched her teeth, "Yuan, sweet child you deserve so much better!" 

Madam Ning's heart was in pain and she couldn't take it anymore. 

"Why couldn't I be him? Why can't I be the mischievous Ning Jie! Why does he get to have everything?!" 

Ning Yuan was on her knees as teats ran like a river, as her master watched her through the water then smiled. "It seems my plan shall set in motion," 

He mixed a concoction as he dropped some blood inside, "the dragon's daydream, Longwei Zihao soon you'll be in my grasp again and this time that perfect vessel shall be mine".

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