Chapter 10

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I went back to my class and sat down. It was strange on one side that his phone was missing and on the other side it wasn’t.

Maybe he had lost his phone or thrown it away and some drunkard picked it up and texted me. Ethan might’ve returned home without his phone and then died. There was nothing stolen from the house so there was no way some thief got into their house and killed him and took his phone away.

Mr. Cooper had taken my contact details and promised me that he wouldn’t spread the word and that I didn’t have to worry about this being rumored.

When I was leaving school, Stace met me at the gate.

“Gwen wait.” She said.

“What do you want?” I yelled.

“Why didn’t you tell the detective about-“She said.

“Shut up!” I said,” Did you ever ask me whether I wanted to talk about it?”

“But you lied to him- You’re the only one who saw it.” She said.

“You think you can solve this stupid case? There’s no point investigating alright? You went ahead and told him that I saw something without even asking me whether I want to get involved or not! You could’ve asked me before telling him, Stace. I feel so betrayed. I don’t want to talk to you ever again and you better not talk about me from now on!” I shouted and left.

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