Chapter 50

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The curves were formed into the words 'Your room.'

I stumbled back and the pot fell from my hands.

"Honey?" Mom rushed to the kitchen and dad followed after.

I was stunned. Ethan was calling me to my room. He was in there. He was around us. I was never alone. Whenever I felt like someone was watching me, it was him. He probably saw me shower too. 

"What's wrong Gwen?" Dad asked, grabbing my arm as I kept stepping backwards.

"Dad- I- I..." Everything blacked out. I screamed and felt another hand hold my arm and squeeze it. It was mom's. Her gentle voice filled my ears and I stopped screaming," It's just a power cut. Calm down."

"I'm okay..." I said, turning my head from side to side, trying to see in the dark. 

"I'll get the torch." Dad spoke before leaving mom and me in the kitchen. 

"How did you drop the pot?" Mom asked.

"I wasn't paying attention." 

"You looked scared- What is going on with you?" She demanded an answer.

"I'm fine, really. I was afraid you'd get mad at me for breaking it."

"Oh come on, I can buy a new tea pot, not a new daughter. Just be safe." She said and I couldn't help but cry silently. The tears felt warm against my cheek and I could almost taste the salt as they wet my lips and suddenly the lights went on.

Mom sighed before moving to the kitchen. She grabbed the pan, three plates and forks and walked to the hall. I wiped away my tears and joined them.

Thankfully, they weren't talking about me anymore. Dad was telling one of his office incidents when one of his co-worker sent a half-written E-mail to their boss because he dozed off on the keyboard and accidentally pressed the Enter Key.

"Phil almost lost his job that day." He said.

"I heard their pet dog passed away recently." Mom joined in.

"Can we not talk about death?" I asked between gritted teeth. Everything was reminding that Ethan was haunting me. He was inside my house, watching me eat, sleep, study, shower and probably was watching the three of us at that moment too. I felt anger rise inside of me, more than fear. 

"How about...we take a family trip to your Grandparents?" Mom asked, looking at me. I could feel both their eyes at me while I twirled the noodles on my fork.

"I don't think I'll get a leave." I said.

"Well, on Christmas?" Dad asked.

Only If I survive until then. 

I nodded and stuffed the last bite of noodles in my mouth. I didn't want dinner to get over so soon. I didn't want to go up to my room, where he still might be waiting for me.

I turned the door knob and peeked inside my room before entering. I had thought of sleeping in the hall, but Ethan could come to me wherever I was. There was no escape.

"I know you're here right now." I gulped," I saw your message. Where are you?" I walked towards the curtains and checked behind them. I checked the bathroom and then under the bed. No signs of him.

"I can't sleep because I'm afraid you'll scare me to death-" I said, standing cluelessly near the bed. 

"Please, say something. I can't live like this. I know whatever happened was...really painful and- and I think you have some leftover business to finish? I can't keep guessing unless you tell me why you're here and- Why me? What did I do? We literally didn't even talk to each other." I moved my arms in the air while I talked and finally rested them on my thighs, receiving no reply or sign. 

"Can I go to bed?" I asked as I slowly sat on the edge of my bed and the duvet, clearly on it's own, unfolded and covered my legs.

"Holy-" I almost jumped off the bed and stepped away,"I'm going to run," I said,"Don't do anything...please."
The duvet didn't move any more and I thought he wasn't going to do whatever he was trying to.

I shivered a little before shifting back towards the pillow and laying down straight. Suddenly, the duvet moved again and I yelped,"Fuck."

The duvet covered my entire body, up to my chest. I was terrified. I thought he would choke me under the duvet but nothing happened after.

He was just putting me to sleep.

I couldn't believe it. Everything seemed like those impossible magic tricks. But this, was real. Ethan was back.

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