Chapter 56

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"Are you sure?" Elijah asked cautiously. It was my chance to show Ethan that I was sorry and that him choosing me wasn't something he should've regretted. I had to help him.

"I don't have much knowledge on this apart from what I've read in books." He sat on top of the table," First off, know when he's around you."

"I think I do but I'm not sure. Every time something happens, I feel chills run down my spine, as if I've been standing under an Air Conditioner for hours." I said after thinking thoroughly.

"Is he here right now?"

"He is." I nodded.

"Great. Always remember he can hear you and every little wrong word can...kind dangerous for you. He doesn't have control over his feelings as much as he did when he was alive. You need to understand that." He explained and I just nodded as I understood. That meant I could expect Ethan to throw chairs and tables at me if I said something cruel, and I didn't mind. Clearly deserved it.

 He told me a few more important things like going to Ethan if he calls, responding to his whispers, addressing his name every time I wanted to be heard and I thought I was prepared with just that little information. 

Did he hear me when I said I wanted to get rid of him? I hope he didn't.


"Yes uh, I was distracted."

"I asked if you could call Stace. Maybe she's ignoring me." He sighed.

Fuck, almost forgot.

"I actually had a-" I was about to tell him that I had a message from her but his phone started ringing in the other corner of the room so he got off the table and walked away from where I was sitting.

I wasn't sure if he would still like to help Ethan after knowing his to-be- girlfriend left the country because she was being haunted. He didn't seem that petty of a person but I could never be certain. Why were him and his dad investigating in the first place? Who was Ethan to them?

Elijah lead me out of the room as he wanted to show me another place where we would be meeting frequently and where I could find them If I faced problems with Ethan, which I hoped I wouldn't. They called it the Inference room, which was built inside their own house. Apparently Mr. Cooper had a crazy wall in there with lots of lines drawn in red and pictures of missing people pinned on the board. It was at a walking distance from the Fray house.

"I need to hurry back before lunch." I said as we left the Fraternity.

"I'll just show it to you from outside." He insisted and we continued walking.

We didn't talk to each other throughout the walk because I was too embarrassed to talk after whatever had happened and he probably didn't like talking to me. That day in school, I grabbed his clothes and yelled for nothing.

"Wait," I stopped in my tracks and Elijah, who was walking ahead of me with hands in his pockets, turned back to look at me. He raised an eyebrow as a question.

"That day in the washroom, it wasn't you?" I asked.

"I thought I told you already."  He sighed dramatically.

"Then was it," I paused, thinking how it could be possible," Ethan?"

"Probably. I told you I'm not that of an expert. Might have to see grandmother for this." He said coolly.

"We have to go to your hometown?"

"Might." He said and continued walking.

"Hey wait-" I flinched my eyes before continuing," I know this ghost thing is really normal for you but I'm completely new to this feeling and I would much appreciate if you showed the slightest of worry and took this seriously."

"What's there to worry about?" He questioned.

"He made himself look like you- What if he does that again? What if he appears as my parents?"  I asked and he just smirked and mouthed 'oh god'

"What?" I asked.

"He's not some superhuman who can make himself look like anyone he wants." He said.

"So what did he do?"

"I was possessed by him." He said in a whisper.

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