10| Firsts

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Chapter 10: Firsts (Michael's POV)

"Are you going to wait in the car?" she asked as I parked the car. 

"Am I your driver?" 

She sighed and climbed out while I took the keys, locking the car and following her inside. We moved quickly so I wasn't noticed or recognized by anybody and she pressed down on the button in the elevator about a hundred times just so it would close quickly. 

"I hope you know, no matter how many times you press that, it won't close the doors any faster," I deadpanned as the elevator started ascending. 

"I am aware of that," she bit back. 

What are we, still in high school? She said something that angered me and now because I'm acting angry, she's mad at me? That's not how things work. She's the one who picked this fight, not me. Why is she acting so indignant? 

The elevator opened and she rushed to her apartment, unlocking the door and holding it open for me. Just to get on her nerves- because of course, that's what I choose to do- I walked slower than I usually would. 

A door somewhere down the hall opened and she huffed, "Would you hurry?" When I didn't pick up my pace, she walked over, grabbed my arm, and pulled me inside, closing and locking the door shut behind her. She let me go and sent me a glare. "Just... sit here. Don't move and don't look around. Sit right here on the couch and give me twenty minutes. Don't move," she emphasized, leaving her keys in the bowl on the cabinet by the door and going into her room, the door closing behind her. She knows I won't just sit here, if she knew me at all then she would know that. 

I started taking a look around. She didn't have a lot of things in the living area that was connected to the open kitchen. I walked there and looked at the fridge. She had a few magnets on it, some of them she bought for herself on trips we've taken for the game or team vacations, she has a to-do list and reminders stuck there too, some pictures with her parents and Cameron. 

I noticed one picture had another one tucked and hidden behind it. I pulled the magnet off and grabbed the two pictures. The first one was her and Cameron at a beach. They both seemed younger, still teenagers. I flipped it over because I know Amelia writes the dates behind every picture she has. This is from her last summer with her family before she started college. I remember her telling me they went to Hawaii. 

I moved to the second picture and my heart stopped momentarily. It was us. From the same day, we first met. That night after the sun had set, the entire group decided to have two bonfires, the group splitting into halves to avoid chaos. After the game, Amelia had spent our time at the beach with me, both of us talking about college and what we wanted to do. When it came to the bonfire, we sat together. We clicked instantly. 

"So, you're deadset on hockey then?" she asked, taking a pizza slice from the box being passed around. 

I took one for myself and nodded. "Pretty much. I mean, I've been doing it since high school, it's too late to tap out now, not that I want. What about you? Deadset on communications?" I teased. 

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