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I groaned as I felt the light trickle in the room. I could feel it flutter across my eyelids, it was nothing but irritating. Did no one know what curtains were? My throat felt dry as I pushed my hands to reach my neck. I could feel that the skin was tender and sore. I felt an ache tighten across my neck as my fingers skimmed the skin of my throat. 

What the fuck happened? My mind flicked through the events of the last few days and all I could think about was the unnecessary drama that was following. It was then that I remembered my sister had successfully attacked me and almost killed me by strangulation. I shook my head at her behaviour and peeled my eyes open. 

The light was blinding, the sun was this warm orange colour that lit up the room. Although it was beautiful I couldn't help but feel the pain of a headache brace my forehead. I sighed deeply and inhaled the overwhelming scent of disinfectant mixed with strawberries. I turned my head following the intoxicating scent when a sudden cry escaped my lips. The pain was unfathomable. 

"Louise your awake." Jacob cried out. It wasn't until I looked down he was clasping my hand like I was going to float away into thin air. "Don't move, please. I don't want you to hurt yourself." He whispers as he pulls me upright in the bed. My head was facing forward and it wasn't until he pulled me upright that he was stood in front of me. 

His eyes were bloodshot, his dark circles were even darker than before. His face was drenched in  sweat. A quick sniff could see that he hadn't showered in days. He looked unkempt, worried and troubled. For the first time, I didn't see the arrogant, demanding Alpha. I saw a boy who was frightened and terrified. He looked out of his depth. 

"Yeah I'm awake? What time is it? How long have I been out for?" I croaked out. My voice was nothing but horse and dry. I was soon coughing which caused me to wince in pain. Jacob was quick on his feet, he grabbed a glass which held a straw. He quickly brought the straw to my chapped lips and soon I was sucking the cool liquid down my throat. 

"Little sips." He whispered. 

My eyes widened at his words, my face held shock at his care. Never had I seen this side to Jacob before. Whenever he was with my sister, he always seemed to play a part, it didn't feel genuine. It felt like he was trying to punish me, hurt me. The time I was in hospital, he was desperate, he was begging for my help with ulterior motives to suck me back into a home I didn't recognise. This time, his actions felt nothing but genuine. I couldn't see guilt or pain, all I saw was a man who was worried and broken. 

"He cares about us, no matter what you say. He can't change who his mate is and neither can you. A mate is for life, there are no second chances." My wolf whispered in the back of my mind. 

A part of me wanted to argue with her but truthfully I was worn out, I was tired. I was fighting against a bond which I had no chance of survival. I didn't accept him and I wouldn't be with him, but fate has a funny way of chasing you to the ends of earth. Without my ring it was useless to hide, especially now that he recognise my face. I was a celebrity, a public figure that had paparazzi following me to the ends of the earth. No matter where I went or where I hid, I could now be found. 

I finished drinking and lifted my eyes without moving my neck. It felt like I had whiplash, I couldn't physically bring myself to move. Jacob's eyes caught mine and I could see in the corners that there were unwept tears. 

"It's about five in the morning and you've been out for two days, I can't tell you how good it is to see you open your eyes." He sighed in relief. "Me and your family have been worried about you."

At the mention of family all I wanted to do was scoff but I was restricted because of the sharp pain that slithered across my neck. I hoped that my disgust was clear on my face when he mentioned my family, I hoped it conveyed my message that I was unhappy at what had happened. 

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