Bonus Chapter: Xavier's Rejection.

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As my father's empire grew, the hatred for my family only rose as time went by. The day that my father died was something I dreamed about for years that when it happened I couldn't help but feel elated. While his empire mourned, I silently praised the Goddess for answering my prayers. For one of the biggest evils in the world slipped past and his soul made it's way into the deepest pits of a fiery hell. 

For the first time in my life, I hoped and prayed to the Goddess and begged my mother to help my brother move away from my father's sinister's practices. As I look back, I think about how naive I was to believe that he was only doing it to survive, that he wasn't as cold and callous as my father. My brother was the exact replica for my father, it was like his soul had reincarnated into my brother's body. 

If anything my brother was far more ruthless than my father, his torture methods made my father's look like child's play. He was sick and twisted. He was a psychopath that preyed on the weak and snatched power that he didn't deserve. He took my father's business to heights that he could only imagine. He become the biggest mogul in the trafficking industry, my father sometimes spared children unless they were enemies that crossed his path but my brother had no mercy. He carelessly without thought sent children into sex rings, turning them into mindless slaves, a business which was only on a national scale went international. 

I tried to talk to him, I tried to take him to the place where I respected and mourned my mother, only for him to laugh at me. He called me weak, he said I wasn't worthy of our family surname and that there was nothing more disappointing than seeing my presence. Even if I wanted to escape his business he wouldn't let me, he refused to let me go which only added to my pain, my suffering. All I could do was hope that one day my mate would come and offer me some reprieve from my pain, that maybe I would have the love that I desired. 

So I was part of a business that I despised, all I wanted to do was escape with no route to safety. So I did the only thing I could do, work on the sidelines and save those who were victims of my brother's deeds. I betrayed him and the pack but I had no regrets. I would escape with children who were being sent to the slaughter, I would reunite them with their families secretly, I would find those orphans families that would love them. I took woman who were beaten endlessly and tended to their wounds, I hid them away from those who would kill them. Soon, I developed a resistance within the pack, with those who were just like me. They didn't want to kill or maim, they were trapped just as much as I was.

I didn't have much contact with my brother, he didn't care for me and if I am honest when he laughed at the death of our mother, I decided that he was beyond saving. It wasn't until my brother attempted to Kidnap a child in the Redbridge pack that he met his demise. His death was felt throughout the pack and even if I wasn't a higher ranked official, I felt my strength increase by tenfolds. I realised that I was now the Alpha of a pack that sickened me. 

It was the first time that I decided to get drunk, I felt the alcohol seep through my blood, it hummed and allowed me to ignore the call that my wolf felt. The empire that my brother built was in disarray and soon his demise led to the cracks in the foundation. There was no heir to carry on his bloodline. I didn't mourn his death but rather I ignored my responsibilities to an empire that I wanted nothing to do with. I couldn't help but laugh darkly at my father and brother's demise, all there hard work, all the blood they spilled was for nothing. 

As I sat by the lake a smell so intoxicating reached my nostrils and in my drunken haze I saw a Goddess walking towards me. She held tears in her eyes, with a soft smile on her face, part of me thought it was a dream. I closed my eyes in anticipation, it was like my mother had sent me an angel in my time of need. She rushed to me and wrapped her arms around me, they wound around me like a tight vine. I felt the relief in her body as her muscles sagged. I couldn't believe my luck, I inhaled her scent and before I knew it she was ripping my clothes off, her soft silky skin rubbed against mine and it was then that I watched her angelic face glow behind the glow of the moonlight. Her moans and pews were like musical notes that only caused my wolf to growl in delight and lust. Before I knew it, I released and tightly held her against my chest. 

It was then that her next words broke me. "Oh Kieron, I thought you were dead. I knew you wouldn't leave me my King." She sobbed. 

I couldn't help but feel the chill that run up my spine. I looked at her in disgust when those words left her lips. This woman was not mine, I was not hers. Her heart, her soul belonged to a man who I despised and her response was something that indicated to me that she knew what my brother did, who he was. It only made me hate her and snapped me out of my drunken haze. I snapped back and pulled away, chucking her on the floor. 

"I am not Kieron." I spat at her. 

Her eyes widened in surprise as she laid on the grass. She had no modesty, she didn't cover herself, she was just carelessly laying on the ground. It was then that a tear escaped her eye and she started shaking her head in disbelief. Muttering no under the breath repetitively like she couldn't believe in her betrayal to my brother. I felt the slight pain in my wolf but that soon was replaced with anger as he sniffed the air and could scent the numerous males that lingered on her skin. 

"Your his brother?" She gasped. 

"Unfortunately." I disgusting said. 

"But that means, that means your my mate. That means you inherit his business? Oh my god, he promised to make me his Queen. Even if he's not here it is my right to stand by your side and help you continue his legacy. It's what he deserves." She said with determination laced in her voice. 

I can't help but let out a dark and sinister chuckle at her words. I shake my head. "What's your name?"

"Leanne White" she responds in a sultry tone as she makes her way to stand on her feet. Her confident stance as she stands there naked as the day she was born. 

"Well Leanne, let me tell you that I despise my brother and his empire. That empire will fall and I will make sure he gets what he deserves. He is already dead in a ditch for the crimes he has committed. You will in no way be a Queen of an empire that I will slowly destroy." I respond. 

"NO YOU CAN'T. He doesn't deserve this!" She screeches as she becomes red in the face. 

"I will and I promise you that you will never be my Queen and my Luna. A woman as vile as my brother does not deserve that title. I Xavier Marvis, reject you Leanne White as my mate and future Luna." I spat. 

Her eyes widen, they look like they are about to pop out of her sockets. Her face contorts in an ugly manner before she says spits. "I don't need you. I don't need to be the Luna of some weak fool who is nothing in comparison with my Kieron. I Leanne White accept your rejection and sever my bond with you Xavier Marvis." She shouts angrily before she turns away and runs back into the thick forest.  

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