Old Acquaintances, New Friends

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I had been in the pack infirmary for about two days now. My throat still ached but it no longer pained me to speak. During my time here there had been unwanted visitors lingering in the hallway. I could sense them before they even spoke, wanting to glimpse a sight of their true Luna. My parents had tried to visit me but I simply told the pack doctor to restrict their visit. I couldn't deal with their fake parental care. 

Benji was one of my first visitors and he was kicking up a fuss over what had happened, he couldn't believe my twin had tried to murder me. I could see the guilt linger in his gaze for leaving me to deal with my family and mate but I shut him down before the words could drip out of his mouth. He had found his mate and for any normal person that was a wonderful experience. Every time I mentioned Lewis' name Benji would blush like a teenager. I didn't feel any animosity for his good fortune, although their were lingering feelings of jealousy.

As Benji sat in my room, Lewis wasn't far behind. He couldn't keep his eyes off his mate, the emotions that lingered were a complex triage of lust, love and care. It was woven like an intricate blanket. There was nothing there that made me think he was insincere. He was devoted to his mate. Although me and Lewis had known each other since we were pups, there was an unspoken agreement between the two of us. We both wanted what was best for Benji. 

Benji stated he was hungry and going to source some food and bring me some good stuff back. He had just ordered Lewis to sit by my bedside as he didn't trust anyone not to hurt me again. Lewis simply shook his head slightly but gave him a small smile. Benji pecked his cheek and left the room. It was a simple but affection action that gave me hope that Benji would be able to have the family affection that he always wanted. 

"So how long you known Benji for?" Lewis asked as he flicked through some magazine. 

"A couple of years now, found him in a diner clearing tables, could tell he was too damn smart to be there, he was being picked on by some homophobic idiots when I asked him to work for me. We were both torn from the same cloth, he became family to me and I promised to always protect him. The rest is history." I shrugged my shoulders. 

Lewis looked at me like he was awestruck. "Thank you for looking after my mate. If it wasn't for you coming back I probably would have never met him." 

"Eh, fate works in mysterious ways. I wasn't ever planning to return home. If not for Jacob blackmailing me, I'm sure you would have crossed paths with Benji at some point." I nonchalantly replied. 

"You know I never really liked your sister, could always tell there was something funny about her." He shrugged his shoulders.

I simply raised my eyebrows. "Really?" The hint of sarcasm lingered in my voice. 

"Yeah I was a bit more observant, I always told Jacob to be careful but he never did listen to anyone." Lewis stated. 

"He's an arrogant arse that's why." I murmured hoping he didn't hear me. 

Lewis let out a loud laugh. He was amused by my comment. When I thought back to my past, Lewis was one of the few wolves who didn't treat me like an outcast, he never engaged in the bullying or the ostracising. He would always usher people to move along and leave me alone. I suppose I can't blame him for going against his Alpha and Beta, but he did what he could. 

"Your right about that, but aren't all Alpha's?" He replied with a small smile. "I always remember watching you come out of the clinic or the orphanage, that's how I knew it weren't you associating with rouges. At the time I was a simple wolf training to be a warrior and there wasn't a lot I could do. So I'm sorry for what happened to you, I'm sorry for not speaking up. Maybe it would have done something, maybe it wouldn't have done anything. But I should have tried and I'm sorry that I didn't." He finished.

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