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 A sick couple sits in the dark on the corner of a street. A devoted partner holds his woman, comforting her as much as he can. Cory Johnson holds his arm around Emily Johnson with his jacket draped over her shoulders. Emily holds her swollen stomach, feeling their baby kick her from the inside out.

"Cory, put the sign down, it's too dark for anyone to see it." Emily begs, her teeth chattering from the cold.

"No no no," Cory repeats, standing in hope for a passing car to see their sign for help. "Someone will see it. Someone will see it." He assures the love of his life.

Emily sighs. "That's what you said yesterday..."

"Baby, I promise we'll get a nice place to stay for our baby. Tonight. Tonight I can feel someone is going to pull over." Cory clings to every aspect of hope he can. He wants the best for his love. He knows that they are where they are so young is because of him.

"Please. It's beginning to rain. Let's find a place for tonight." Emily struggles standing to her feet, wobbling slightly. Cory is at her side in seconds, taking a hold around her waist to support her weight for her.

Cory looks to his wife with concern as her usually bright eyes dull with grief and exhaustion. "O-okay. Come on baby." He helps her as they walk down the sidewalk. Cory still nonchalantly holds the sign, hoping for someone to see it.

Meanwhile in a blacked out car on the road, Nico Napolitani— the boss of the Italian Mafia sits, loosening his tie after a long night. His son and wife sit beside him as the driver makes their way to the airport to go back to Italy.

His wife, Remy Napolitani looks out of the car window and sees a sign held by a young man. "Look Nico, they look sick." Remy's innocence points out.

Nico scoffs at his wife, but reluctantly looks over to see the pregnant couple. "Ferma l'auto." Nico commands. On a dime the car pulls to the side. He straightens his tie before stepping out of the car, walking up to the helpless couple.
[Translation: Stop the car.]

Cory holds his wife close to his side at the sight of the expensive and all powerful looking Nico Napolitani. They all stop and look at one another.

Nico looks at Emily with couriousety— seeing the opportunity. "What are you having?" His deep voice questions, motioning to her stomach.

"A girl." Emily answers— even though they don't know the true gender of the baby, Emily's gut feeling has been girl all along.

The way Nico and Remy got together was through an arranged marriage. The sole reason they are together is so Nico looks professional and stable with a family in the eyes of the public. That is how it has always been in the Napolitani family. Nico needed to have a set wife for his son, so deciding to get her now, he is ready to make a deal.

"I'll provide you with a stable environment, and promise you money for you and your child," Nico begins.

Cory and Emily get hopeful, listening and drooling over every word Nico could promise to them.

"If you give me your daughters life and chastity." The mood drops in Nico's words.

"W-what?" Emily stutters. Emily has already made her decision— no. "Cory, we can't do—"

"You promise us stability until when?" Cory asks Nico frantically.

"As long as your daughter lives. I assure you that you and your daughter will be safe and protected." Nico assures the couple.

"Why on Earth would I give you my child's life?!" Emily protests, the femist in her angered.

"Because if you do, I promise unlimited money and protection to your family." Nico answers the protective mother in front of him.

"What could you possibly want with my daughter?!" Emily questions him. Cory holds his wife back from possibly doing anything from breaking the deal ahead.

"I want her to marry my son." Nico calmly states, the rain beginning to pour down harder.

Emily shivers in her husband's arms. They have no place to go, no help aside from the mysterious man in front of them. Cory knows this may be all they can have, and all they will have. He knows that if they don't take this offer, they will have to give up their child.

"You promise us stability, so your son can have a wife?" Cory asks quietly. "No further strings attached?"

"You won't have to work a day more in your life." Nico puts more sugar onto the agreement.

Cory looks into his love's eyes, pleading for her to agree. "It's the only option for us to have a life with our baby." His whispers softly, planting a kiss on her forehead. "Baby please." He begs.

Emily loves and trusts her husband, she too knows that this is the only option to have the chance to raise their baby, to hold and love her. She is also so tired of living on the streets, bouncing from one park bench to the next. So, Emily slowly nods her head and can't help but feel ashamed for their child's assumed future.

"We'll do it." Cory answers for the couple.

Nico smiles in satisfaction. "All I ask of you is that you name her Reagan."

18 years later

The Johnson family sits in their living room, comfortably, and happily, watching the television program. Reagan reads a book that rests on her lap, picking at her fingernails. "Reagan, don't do that, honey." Emily warns her daughter.

Reagan immediately takes her fingers out of between her teeth, resting them restlessly in her lap. "Sorry." She mumbles.

"Don't be. You're fine." Emily smiles warmly.

Reagan returns the smile and focuses back down onto her book. Suddenly a phone rings. Reagan ignores it and continues to read. Cory and Emily exchange a terrified look.

"Reagan, go to your room so your father can take his call." Emily tells her daughter after seeing the caller ID.

"Sure." Reagan shrugs her shoulders, standing from the couch as she walks up the stairs to her bedroom.

Cory picks up the phone and answers it, putting it to his ear. "Mr. Napolitani?" Cory's shaky voice gulps as he answers.

"Mister and Mrs. Johnson..." Nico Napolitani says with a sinister tone. "Do you have my daughter in law?"

Cory pinches his eyes shut as a tear escapes Emily's. "Y-yes we do..." Cory answers, holding his head in his hands.

"Good, because we are three minutes away from collecting her." Nico states nonchalantly.

"What?!" Cory stands abruptly to his feet. 


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