Tweleve | Reagan

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 What a prick! Telling me to eat like a dog! I cannot wait to give that man a piece of my mind! Out of principle, I throw my plate of food in the trash, putting the dirty dish in the sink before walking to my room. Even though I am hungry, I do not care. I will not obey such an arrogant man.

When I get to my room, I shower. I look back at the button up that I questioned this morning. I don't know whose it is. But I caught Alonzo looking it up and down so it might be his. I take it off, throwing it into the hamper beside the bathroom door. I'm not even wearing a good amount of clothing underneath!

Pervert— but then again. Don't flatter yourself, Reagan. No one wants to see what is under my clothes anyway. I laugh as I look down at my gut, pinching it between my fingers. I scoff at my insecurities before getting into the shower. I make the water hot. Hot to where it turns my skin red as I scrub my body with a coconut wash and a pairing coconut shampoo and conditioner.

The hot water runs down my back, steaming up the glass. The immature side of me draws little doodles on the condensation around the glass.

When I'm finished washing, I turn the water off, stepping out of the shower. I wrap a black towel around my quickly chilling body. Before I can even brush my hair, I am scared half to death by a sudden knock on the door.

"Mrs. Napolitani? May we come in? We have to get you styled for the painting." A woman says from the other side of the door.

Great, more makeup. "Yeah, sure." I reluctantly say.

The group of women that styled me yesterday for the wedding walk in. They all have supplies to pretty me up once again.

This round goes by quicker. It's the same style as yesterday, but not as in your face. I'm helped into my gown again, and my shoes too. Remy walks into my bedroom with a warm smile on her face. All the stylists back away so she can walk over.

"You look so beautiful." She says, her eyes seem to tear up. "Sorry I missed you yesterday... I meant to stop in but Nico called for me." She explains.

"It's fine. Thank you, though." I smile at her kindness.

Remy steps towards me again, holding out her hand for me to take. Now that she is close to me, I can see how beautiful and young she is. Nico seems to be in his late forties while Remy looks to be late thirties. Her warm smile and light eyes are so welcoming and kind.

I put my hands in hers. Her cold hands squeeze mine. "I am so happy that you're a part of the family now. I've always wanted a daughter." She winks.

I'm not sure how to take her words. I'm sure they were meant to be kind and uplifting. But I don't want to be part of this family.

We exchange a smile, before she pulls me out of the room. "I'll take you to the painting." She smiles.

I want to ask her all these questions but I can't decide what to ask first. As soon as I do, we make it to the painting room and I'm brought inside. Alonzo is already inside the room, checking his phone as the painter mixes up paints. Alonzo looks up at Remy and I, not making any faces. Just a neutral look thrown our way.

"Ciao, Mrs. Napolitani." The painter greets. "My name is Luis." He smiles, taking my hand to shake.

I smile at his happy energy. "Hello." I replied.

"Please, stand here." He leads me over to Alonzo, who is seated on a high golden throne. My God—

Luis has me stand close to the chair and instructs Alonzo to put his hand around my lower back, holding me. I'm told to put my left hand on his shoulder to show off the ring. That is when I noticed the two dogs on the other side of Alonzo.

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