Twenty-seven | Reagan

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 After Remy and I's conversation this morning, I felt... not better, but more in the light? I just understand more. While Alonzo was in the shower, she told me her story. She was on a senior trip for school to Europe and quite literally bumped into Nico. She said that she fell for him then before knowing how he was. That they talked for a while before he just took her months later.

Remy was okay for a few weeks before she realized the danger she was in. She told me how possesive, controlling, and sick Nico is. How terrified she is and was on the daily. The entire family is intimidating, she explained.

I haven't met anyone else from the family really, just Alonzo, Remy, and Nico. As far as I know, that's the family. I doubt Alonzo has any siblings. It's an Italian family so my guess is it's big. Will I ever meet them? Will they accept me?— I don't even care if they do or not— or maybe I should care... if they don't like me I bet they wouldn't hesitate to just kill me.

What if I get killed at the gala? I don't even know what to expect. I've read little Mafia stories that have galas and they always end in an explicit scene or a shoot out. If I had to choose, I'd pick option two.

I am going to look so out of place at the gala. There is no way I want to go whatsoever. I bet I could act sick, or something to get me out of it.

After Remy left, I got into the shower to get all washed up and just ready for the day of what? I don't even know. Last time I roamed the house I was cornered by two dogs. But I mind as well do it again.

I changed into a pair of denim shorts and a hoodie— the air conditioning in this house is so strong that most of the time I'm freezing. I find a pair of black tube socks as well and with that, I walk out the door with my phone in my back pocket. The dogs end up following me out and we just wander around.

"Well puppers, where shall we go?" I ask them as if expecting an answer.

We wander for a while until I find a double door. Curiosity makes me open the doors that lead me into a library type room. Bookshelves line the tall walls. There is another entrance to the room because it appears I am on the top level. I find a set of stairs and go to the bottom where there is more lounge than books. The room is small, but really tall. A couch covering half a wall with a fridge and a door to I think a bathroom. The other way is a set of double doors which I assume is the exit. The next wall is a large fireplace that has to be so amazing to be able to read in front of. A few more chairs and even a hanging one.

Yeah, this might be my new favorite spot in the house. Just let me go and grab my book...

I speed walk back to the room, in search for all my belongings— or whatever I've "claimed" in the past... how long has it been? Close to three months? Four? Damn, how time doesn't fly. It feels like I've been here for years. Like I've spent years in this hell hole.

I walk the halls quickly in this hell hole and I turn down the wrong foyer, of course I do. I think instead of going back up the stairs in the library I just left out the bottom level. I wasn't really paying attention, I was just too excited to read in front of that fire place. The hall I go into I think has a dead in and has so many large paintings. They are old until they are new, and newer. Then I see Nico and Remy.

Their faces painted. Nico is holding Remy close, looking at the "camera" or just the painter. But it honestly looks like he is looking directly at me. Shivers go down my spine. That man terrifies me. Remy on the other hand has her head in a bowing position under Nico's chin. She looks so young.

I notice a picture out of the corner of my eye that is displayed at the end of the hallway. Like a gallery and this is the masterpiece everyone really came to see. It's Alonzo and I. In that sickening possessive pose. I'd say it makes me sick to my stomach with anger looking at it, but I actually laugh.

It looks so powerful but so ridiculous. No, no it looks badass. And for the record, I look so effing hot. Maybe one day Alonzo and I will become friends and get to laugh at this— who am I kidding? Us? Friends? Ha. Hilarious... note the sarcasm. Instead of that whenever I'm alone I can just laugh upon it. Laugh at this entire situation— because that is all I can do. It's better than whining about it.

I don't want to be pathetic and just cry all the time. That breakdown last night was the last time. No more.

Just as I am enjoying my peace and quiet, I feel a presence behind me. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Nico asks, stepping at my side. Lorenzo and Buchanon's ears perk up and I watch them tense up.

"Yeah." I answer. I mean I look beautiful... Alonzo, Alonzo is there too. Look at that, confidence. Feels nice.

Nico chuckles and I notice him looking around at the other paintings around us. "All the other women at the sides of my ancestors are beautiful. Everyday I'd look down this hall and see the same thing, blonde hair, blue eyes, perky breasts, large ass. Then I make it to my son's portrait, I'm shocked every time."

Oh boy. "Why is that?" I mentally roll my eyes.

"Well, you're just... you. Different looking from the rest. And from what I've heard, not as willing as the rest." He evaluates.

"Right, right. But your point?"

His head wipes around and he takes my chin in his hand, snatching it in a hostile hold. "How have you not gotten it into your fat head? Do you even understand where you are? How you should be acting versus how you have been? You're lucky Alonzo hasn't beaten you yet. If you were my problem, you'd be black and blue all over by now."

His hand trails lower and grips hard on the extra skin below my chin making me wince. The dogs grow more tense and protest, barking and getting closer but Nico jerks towards them and they flinch hard, backing off. This guy is such an asshole.

"Disgusting and pathetic." He finally releases me, throwing my head to the side before he walks off. I hold my chin in my hand. It's sore and stings, no doubt leaving some sort of mark.

My eyes tear up but I immediately stop myself. I could cry over that douchebag or I can finish what I was doing and sit my ass in front of a fireplace. Option two it is. 


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