Heartson- Taken

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    It all started out as a normal day. I was walking home from school, my father was to drunk and even if he wasn't, he wouldn't pick me up. He says I'm just a waste of space so instead of being lazy, that I need to do the chores.  Of course, who knew my day would take a turn for the worse? I was only five years old, so I was still in kindergarten. Of course, dad wanted to live close to his favorite bar, which lucky me, is in the shadiest part  of town. Our house was in a back alley, so it was easy to kidnap someone. And that's exactly what happened to me.

   I was almost to the apartment door, when someone grabbed me from behind, and jabbed something into my neck. Everything was starting to distort and tilt sideways, then I was engulfed by the hands of blackness.

   When I woke up, I was on a cold, hard, metal table. Like the ones in an doctors office, just without the cushions. It was only then that I noticed, a huge, blue beast was watching me. I also noticed that, I had been stripped of my clothes. I tried to get off the table, the beast grabbed me, not harshly, but gently.

   He grabbed some tools, and did, well , he did everything a doctor did, except when he took my temperature, he stuck the thermometer up my .... butt. Ya. It was quite uncomfortable.

    He smiles and carries me to a big glass room and sets me inside. I try to scamper out, but he closes the door behind him and taps on the glass with a smile. Of course I ignore him to explore.

  About an hour goes by before he returns with two new aliens, a green and a purple. And when they entered my little glass cage, I ran to hide under the covers of the bed in the corner. I heard them conversing and finally, the green one walks up to me. I do my best to look intimidating, but its kind of hard when three humongous aliens are staring at you. The green one sits down and gently lifts me up in my blanket.

He coos and gently tries to pry the blanket from my hands, but I don't let him. Sometimes though, the gentlest creatures are strong. He gently, yet firmly, takes my blanket so that I am completely on show for the purple and blue aliens. The alien holding me coos and rubs my stomach, I'm guessing he was trying to get a reaction, so I just try to crawl out of his lap.

After a few minutes of being cooed at and rubbed in places that really bother me, he finally signals for the purple alien to bring something here. It stands up and carries two bowls of something that strongly resembles dog food. Green bean holds me still while Eggplant takes a pellet and puts near my face. I squirmed and clamped my mouth shut. I was not  eating that. 

After a while they stopped trying to give it to me, and started holding my mouth open, dropping them in, and forcing my mouth shut until I chewed and swallowed. And it tasted HORRIBLE. It was so bad, I threw up all over Green Bean. Soon enough they left me alone and I decided to take a nice, long nap.

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