Sanca- Work Work Work!

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Ugh, I can't stand waiting for work to end! It was bearable before I got cute little Tome, I just wanted to hug and snuggle him. But then again, he wasn't very friendly yet. I could only hope the trainer would train him within the next few months. I sighed, almost hearing his small angry squeaks, until I realized my boss was screaming at me.

"YOUR FIREDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD" he screamed (cat in the hat reference lol look at the video).

I grumbled and grabbed my things before making a rude gesture and leaving. What a day... hopefully the trainer is having more luck than me....
When I arrived to the trainer, he was rocking a now sleeping Tome. Awwww... I think quietly before thanking him and taking Tome home.




When we got back, Tome was an angry, kicking, screaming little one, so I had to wait till he calmed down.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2022 ⏰

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