Shopping!!!- Sanca

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I took little Tome shopping today, he seemed very unsure about it at first until I let him pick out toys. He grabbed bunches of things, and I was so proud seeing him come out of his shell for a few minutes. After he picked out his stuff, I carried him to the food and clothing section. I picked out lots of cute onesies and also picked plenty of treats and healthy food. I saw him turning bright pink, which I thought was adorable. I pulled out my HoloCam and took a picture, We checked out and loaded the car and when I buckled little Tome in, he was fast asleep. Sweet dreams Tome.

While little Tome was taking a nap, I decided to organize and plan for the week. I would need to find a trainer, a babysitter, and some friends for little Tome. So I started calling and putting his new things away. Soon enough I found a trainer by the name of Levi, a human psychology specialist who knew lots about the species, a babysitter that my friend had recommended, and booked a stay at a pet hotel so he could interact. I was hoping he would be okay if I''m not here.... We could only wait and see I guess. But first, I myself need a nap...

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