chap 27 I don't love her

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Advitya POV

From past 1 hour I am watching her making breakfast for us. She is making paratha. Her hairs are tied as usual. Wearing sweatshirt and track pants. Why she wear such clothes in this scrotching weather.?

"Don't you feel uncomfortable wearing such clothes! I asked her while sipping my coffee".
She turned to me

"No"!! She said.

Is it because I called her desperate on the first night of marriage! So she is covering herself like this! My mind asked

"See i think you should wear comfortable clothes, It .... It is really uncomfortable to see you like this all sweaty." I said.

She nodded.

"She gave me my breakfast. I am now having aloo paratha with butter.
It's delicious". I mumbled.

"Adhya ! I will have one more! You too come and have your meal." I said.

She gave me another one. I saw her coming with her plate. She sat on the chair. We had our breakfast in silence. I am enjoying the food for the first time in my life.

Suddenly door bell rings!

Adhya stood up to open the door.

Who will be here at this time? I thought.

"You finish your breakfast. I will see!" I said.

I then went to the door. I opened the door and saw it was Ajay standing.

"Hey Shekhar"! He replied.

I hugged him.
"Come inside"! What a pleasant surprise. I said.

"I was just passing by then I thought I must meet you." He said while coming into the house.

"Buddy I can smell aloo paratha! Lucky man you are. Enjoying food from wife's hand". He said.

"Come have breakfast with us." I said.

"Why not"! He said.

"Where is bhabhi"? He asked

"Adhya! Here she is"! I replied.

"Adhya he is Arun, Arun this is Adhya!"

"You"! Arun shouted all of a sudden.

He stormed towards Adhya and grabbed her from shoulders. He was looking like a beast

"Where is Alice! Where is my wife?" He is now shaking Adhya from shoulders.
"Arun! Leave my wife"! I intervened & grabbed ajay from collar. And pushed him away from Adhya.

I went near to Adhya and comforted her. I saw she few tears in her eyes.
That made me mad.

I turned around and took Arun from the collar.
"How dare you to malhandle my wife like this?" I shouted on Arun.

"Your wife ! Your wife! She is the one who helped my wife escape. She is the one because of whom I couldn't find Alice." Arun shouted back.

"Oh really! I am glad she escaped from you. Because you are a monster". This is Adhya speaking.

I turned around to see Adhya who is now full rage. I have no idea what's going on.

"Sir, this man whom you call your friend has tortured my friend. I did no wrong If I helped her escape". She replied to me.

That means Adhya is the girl who helped Arun's wife.

"Who gave you authority to come between a couple". Arun shouted.

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