chap 39 calm before storm!!

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Adhya POV

"I have installed cameras in Siddiqui office". I tried to initiate talk as we are going back to our house.
He nodded while driving.

Today when i woke up i saw myself on the bed. I know he placed me on the bed. He cares he really cares. I smiled on the thought.

"We reached home". He said.

I came out of my dream world. I nodded.
"You go inside , Meanwhile i park the car. Take these". Then he handed over keys to me.
I took the keys and entered the home.

I went to the kitchen and pour water on two glasses. I checked the fridge. Then i start thinking about what to make.
"Don't bother. We will order. I heard Advitya's voice from behind".
I turned around.

I gave him water . He took the glass.
I Started leaving when he clutched my hand.

"Wait!" He said.
I stopped while looking at him.
"There was a man who tried to talk to you in the party?" He asked.

I tried to contemplate what was he refering at. He was talking about Imtiaz cousin.
"Yaa! was Imtiaz cousin". I said.
"Did he misbehave with you"? He asked while keep staring at me.

" he asked for dance. I denied";. I said.

"He met me in the party and told me about you that you can't dance as your leg was hurt. I showed him his place when i danced with you."  He replied while smirking.

His words made my lungs Congested .
That means he danced with me to prove a point to that man. Not that he wanted to dance with me . And i thought he has started lovi..... I sighed and breath deeply.

I nodded without looking at him.. and left the place.

Advitya POV

I am sitting in my office thinking about past events, about her. She has captured my mind. My Every thought is directed towards her.

"Thinking so deeply about someone"! I heard a voice , i looked up it was Arun.
"Hey buddy. How are you. ? When did you come". I asked

"Well when you were in deep thoughts". He said while taking chair to sit.

"So Thinking about your so called wife?" He asked.
"Dont start that again Arun!" I warned Arun.
He smiled sarcastically.

"Well i am not saying anything Addy! You will realise by your own." He said
"There is nothing to realise. I know what i am doing"! I said

"Yaa i can see that. Sulking over that girl. Never have seen you like this Addy! You are completely smitten over her. But least you understand she is like this only". He said.

"Shut .. before i reply him i heard a knock on my office door.

"Come in "! I replied while composing myself.

I saw Adhya entering inside the room.
I saw Arun turned his head as well towards her direction.

Adhya saw him for a moment. Then she walk towards me.
"I bought the lunch". She said.

"Why did you bother. Where is the driver?" I asked while getting up from the chair .
"He went to pick groceries but car got punctured in between the road. So i came". She replied.

"Never mind. Sit"! I just come in a moment. I went to bathroom for  handwash.

Adhya POV

I am sitting beside this stupid person who is staring me like a creep. But i won't give my attention to him , i mentally decided.

"I see you are trying very hard to gain confidence of Advitya." Arun said.

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