Chap 46 Heartbroken

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Advitya POV

"Adhi! You lost so much of weight". ? I heard that friend of her speaking..
From past few minutes i am listening to their conversation. It is not i am eavesdropping, i got a call from my client . Because there was no network so i went outside. When i came back i heard them talking. They don't even realise i have returned.

She is smiling widely. Looking so happy..she never seems that comfortable and pleasant with me.  This pinched my heart hard.

"Do you know Adhi , i used to visit your home every day when you weren't around.. we tried to find you and  uncle".. Arjun said..

"We changed the location Arjun. Papa didn't want to live in Mumbai. So we shifted to Delhi". Adhya said sadly..

"Don't be upset Adhya, uncle will return soon". Arjun said.

She smiled weakly..

What would have happened to her father. I will ask her when right time comes. I thought

"So do I look like Edward or Raj now? See I have gained some biceps".  Arjun asked mischievously..

"No way! They were the best. I always loved them  You never be like them".. Adhya replied..

"You won't stop loving them".. arjun asked.

"Never".. she smiled cutely and answered.

Now Who the hell are Edward and Raj? I clenched my fist in irritation.

"I think we should leave".. i intervened and said .

Adhya stopped smiling on my words and got up. We held each others gaze.

"Mr. Rajvansh , if i ask you, can you permit Adhya to come over us, here, for the wedding preparations"? Uncle asked.

"Ya sure". With that i held her hand and left the room.

I saw Adhya turned back and waved bye to them.

We settled ourselves inside the car.

In few minutes we are outside the hotel.

"Umm.. i am sorry! Actually they are our Neighbours. And i know them for long. My parents were good friends of Neeti Didi's parents. I have to make up story for Naaz. She must be worried". She asked.

₹I talked to Naaz. I told her that there was an emergency. Don't worry about that". I replied.
She sighed in relief.

"What is so special about Edward and Raj"? I asked her out of nowhere.

"Hmm".. she hummed in confusion.

"Don't get me wrong. Actually i heard you were explaining something to Arjun. Why Edward and Raj are better". I Don't know why i asked this stupid question.

"Umm. Edward was Caring and Raj was funny. And both of them are handsome". She told me.

"So Arjun is not like them"? I asked.

"No , Arjun is the best. I was just teasing him". She replied..

It pained me when i heard praise for others. I didn't ask anything further.

We reached our home.


She turned around.

"You can go to your relative's place. But be careful. Don't reveal anything to them. Never forget who we are." Understand. I asked

She nodded.
"Don't worry sir"!
"Advitiya"! I corrected her.

"Hmm"!!.. she hummed agaiin.

"It's Advitya. If you forgot." I said.

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