CH. 2 Trust Issues

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Lori rested against my side as we sat on the couch. Each holding a beer in our hands. Luke and Kayla were picking music to play. Their arguing amused me for a bit. Up until they started to get incredibly loud.

"Where are your parents?" I played with a strand of Lori's hair.

"Preparing for the trip to France," she tilted her head back on my shoulder.

Oh, that trip. "You're not planning on going, right?" that had become a problem lately. For some reason, Lori actually wanted to go. Like if she had never went before. The trip was supposed to last a few weeks. I didn't understand why she was even considering going.

"I don't know," she hardly mumbled out.

I sighed, "Your parents are planning on going again in a few months, can't you wait?" I questioned, growing slightly upset. It was always the same thing with her now. "If you go now, we'll be more time apart," I explained. Like I said, this trip was meant to last weeks! On the other hand, in the near future, it would only last like a week. That worked out better for us.

"But I kinda want to go now," she shrugged, slightly, like if it were no big deal.

"No, you just want to spend some time away from me, that's what it is," I claimed.

Her head lifted up from my shoulder. She rearranged her position on the couch, now facing me. "You know that's not it," she denied. I rolled my eyes at her. "Hey," she held my chin in a pinch. "You have no reason to doubt my feelings for you," she stated, almost hinting at something else though.

In disbelief, I sighed, "Oh and you do?" was she trying to say that she doubted my true feelings for her? This was so tiring. Her lips pressed together, not wanting to answer, so that she wouldn't have to admit it. "Wow," I puffed, pushing back against the couch and crossing my arms. I felt offended. My own girlfriend doubted my love for her.

Laughing off the slight tension between us, she held my arms, opening them so that she could hug me. "If I go, it has nothing to do with you," she assured but I did not believe her.

"There used to be a time when you did not want to leave my side no matter what," I recalled. Back when things between us were perfect. When she trusted me. What happened to that? "This is what I don't understand, if you don't trust me, then why do you want to leave?" I raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you afraid that I'll cheat on you?" I air quoted. It was all bullshit.

"You claim to be faithful all the time, well, now you can prove it to me," she was only trying to get her way and upset me along the way.

"You need to trust me, without me having to prove it to you," I stated. "I trust you no matter what," I added.

"I've never given you reasons to doubt me though," she justified. I sighed out of frustration. Well, that was true anyways. Lori never did anything to make me believe that she cheated or was interested in other girls. To be honest, she was the perfect girlfriend. Except for the trust issues. Anyways, Lori made sure to let me know that I was the only one for her.

"Okay... but I still don't want you to go," I insisted. "I want to see you everyday," I added, hugging her closer to me.

Her forehead leaned on mine, gently. "I still haven't made up my mind," she pecked my lips. "But for now, I don't want to think about it. I only want to focus on us," and with that said, her hands slowly slid up my stomach. Seductively, they roamed up to my neck. Her lips nibbled on mine.

As much as I wanted her to guarantee that she would stay, I decided to let it go for now. Carefully, I put the beer on the ground as Lori began to fix me on my back. I felt her body press down on mine as she placed her beer down as well. At no moment did I want her lips to leave mine. Keeping her pressed on me, I pressed my hands on her lower back. Enjoying the kiss, I closed my eyes.

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