CH. 11 Back To School Night

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Thanksgiving was coming up, so plans were being made and cancelled. Nothing was being scheduled properly. Like most years, Kayla's family was invited to Thanksgiving dinner. The difference this year was that Lori and her family would not be attending. I expected them to be back by then. I guess not. Might as well tell people that they moved to France permanently. Even if that was not right. Who knows, maybe they did but weren't telling anyone yet.

Kayla laid on my bed while holding her phone close to her face, scrolling through it.

"Holy shit, Nikki! Lori has posted a picture on instagram!" wide eyed, Kayla sat up and held the phone to my direction to show me.

In shock, I sat closer and checked. The last time that she posted something was before she left. I was beginning to think that she had deleted it. I knew that she didn't because I had been checking it a few times to make sure.

I took the phone from Kayla to get a better look. In the picture, it looked like she was at a party, posing with four other girls. One of them had her hand on Lori's hip. My jaw clenched at that. I felt a hand gripping and twisting the pit of my stomach. Jealousy washed over me. Oh so lovely, so I was over here crying over her while another girl got to be so close to her?

"Unbelievable," I scoffed and handed Kayla back her phone.

"What?" her forehead creased.

I had a lump in my throat, "Sorry but I have to go. Show yourself out," before I could cry in front of her, I jogged out with my car keys.


Impatiently, I knocked on Isabel's door. Whatever it took, I wanted Lori off my mind for now. If it meant avoiding my pain and having someone's touch, so be it. Groaning, I knocked hard, even if it hurt my knuckles. It worked even better, the physical pain helped.

"What the fuck!" Isabel swung the door open. "Nikki, what the-" Shutting her up, I cupped her face and pressed my lips on hers. Roughly kissing her, I slid my hands down to take her clothes off. "Whoa, Nikki," she pulled away from the kiss and held my hands to stop me. "What's going on with you?" she asked, noticing that something was off.

My chest raised up and down quickly. "Nothing," I stepped up to kiss her.

Her hand covered her lips for a second, indicating that I had no permission to. "Nikki, you're clearly upset," she noted. "Trust me, I do not want to get involved. I would much rather just let you rip my clothes off like you intend to but if I let that happen and ignore the tears in your eyes, then the same thing from last time will happen again. Like when you were upset about your grandfather," she reminded. The lack of interest. How it affected my performance in bed.

"So what?" I scoffed, frustrated by even talking about it.

"What do you mean so what? If we're going to do this, then I don't want your mind to be somewhere else. It's not as good," she said. "You either calm down by talking about it or go home and come back another time when there's no distractions," she leaned back against a wall, showing me that there was going to be no other way.

In distress, I slid my hands down my face. Took a deep breathe while debating whether it was a good idea to tell her about the picture. Bringing up Lori with her was not done often, so I didn't know. It felt so out of place.

Although, I did need to vent to someone.

I sighed at my decision about telling her. "I saw a picture of Lori with another girl," I caught her up.

"Oh," she understood now. "I mean, vengeful sex is always good but only when there's a lot of anger," she compared. "There's more sadness than anger in you though, so this is not the case," apparently her mind had not been changed yet. "Tell me more, what were they doing in the picture?" she wondered.

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