CH. 13 Heartache

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It was annoying how not everyday was causal days. Friday was only two days away though. It gave me something to look forward to. Now, I had other stuff to worry about. Have gotten a taste of a little freedom, my fellow classmates wanted more. And they wanted it now! I told them to be patient with me. Not all could be accomplished all at once.

While brainstorming for other small changes that had more possibilities of being accepted by my grandfather, I sat alone out at the courtyard while everyone was inside keeping warm and having lunch.

"Hey, Nikki," Scott welcomed himself to sit across from me. I rolled my eyes at his presence. "Sorry to be a bother," he sounded nervous. He should have been. If not intimidated. I admit, he had guts for showing his face. I still wanted to punch him for humiliating Jasmine at the shopping center. It was gold the way that she got him back for that though.

"What do you want?" I asked flatly.

Scott intertwined his fingers over the table. "I miss hanging out with you guys." Sincerity seemed to be in his voice but no one could really know for sure. For now, I did not trust him all that much.

"And?" not giving him the attention that he wanted, I kept my eyes on my notebook and made sure to sound like I did not give a fuck, which was not too hard to do since I really didn't.

"And," he paused, sounding taken back. "Well, can you guys stop giving me the silent treatment?" he pleaded.

I laughed mockingly, "We're not in kindergarten, we're not giving you the silent treatment," I denied. "We just don't want anything to do with you," I clarified. "People like you annoy us," I added to get him off my back. He continued to sit there. You'd think that after calling someone annoying, they'd leave but this dumbass wouldn't. I sighed, "Scott, honestly, what you did was wrong."

"Yes, I know, and I'm owning up to it now," he claimed. "But what you guys did was no better either!" he accused. I guess it wasn't but we had to do something. Thanks to that, Jasmine had confidence and was a better person as well.

"Well, you should have never hurt Jasmine," I shrugged, not wanting to admit that we were childish too. Anyway, Scott deserved it. If it weren't for that, he would have continued being so damn shallow. He probably still was. The only difference now was that he kept it to himself. "It's your fault that everyone now knows how much of a jerk you are," I blamed.

"And you think I like that?" he sighed in distress. "Girls think I'm repulsive now."

"Good, you deserve it," he was not getting any sympathy from me. "Scott, if you haven't noticed, I'm busy trying to make this a better place. Right now it's repulsive just like you," I joked, cracking myself up. "Oh damn, I'm so funny," I gave myself props. Oh god, I needed that laugh. Brainstorming was giving me a headache.

Scott chuckled, "Good one," he acknowledged.

"Awe, really? Okay, you can stay," I grinned in a shrug.

"Cute," he complimented.

"Oh, stop it!" I blushed. Changing my whole demeanor, I connected my eyebrows. "Seriously now, leave!" I pointed for him to leave me the fuck alone. If he thought that he had won me over, then he was out of his mind. I was only joking seconds ago because I was so stressed and I amused myself. "I'm too busy."

"Nikki, don't be like that," he pleaded.

"Why the hell are you bothering me? Why not ask for someone else's forgiveness?" I questioned, growing irritated by his presence.

"Because if you accept me back, then it'll be easier for everyone else to do so too," he guessed.

Giving him the attention that he had been wanting, I put my notebook aside and made eye contact with him. "Scott, be honest with me. Do you sincerely regret your asshole ways or are you only sorry because you got called out on it? Or because Jasmine now fits your definition of beautiful?"

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