Chapter 40

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"Rivendell." Bilbo muttered the amazement on his face evident. Beuren smiled, turning to glance over her shoulder at the company, only to see Thorin glowering at the wizard and the view before him.

"Here lies the last Homely House east of the sea." Gandalf stated, turning back toward the company.

"This was your plan all along, to seek refuge with our enemy." Thorin growled, angry that the plan hadn't gone his way.

"You have no enemies here, Thorin Oakenshield. The only ill-will to be found in this valley is that which you bring yourself." The wizard shot back.

"And lord doesn't he bring a lot." Beuren muttered to Bilbo who stood beside her, he smiled, ducking his head to avoid being seen.

"You think the Elves will give our quest their blessing? They will try to stop us." The dwarf argued.

"Of course they will. But we have questions that need to be answered. If we are to be successful, this will need to be handled with tact and respect and no small degree of charm. Which is why you will leave the talking to me." Beuren led the way down the steep stairway to the bridge, the dwarves couldn't help but gawk. And Bilbo, huh, the poor hobbit was being rushed, he didn't get to see half of what he wanted, already he could tell that he would be coming back, within the first moment of laying eyes on the city, he fell in love.

The company finally entered the elven city, they waited with Gandalf, gathering in a close knit group, everyone suddenly became suspicious, trying to control their staring, and for the architecture alone was enough to hypnotize a person. Beuren however made herself at home, unloading her pack, setting it at her feet, resting against her calves. She stretched, breathing in the fresh air, letting the quiet thundering of the falls soothe her. She even went as far as removing her belt and quiver, which Thorin noticed, scolding her in his head.

"Mithrandir." Someone called, they all turned. The voice belonged to an elf, dark haired with a kind look in his eye. The dwarves eyed his suspiciously, all except one, Kili looked at Beuren, seeing her relax around the stranger... perhaps the elves weren't as bad as he thought they were...

"Ah, Lindir." The dwarves murmured their shared distrust.

"Lastannem i athrannedh i Vruinen."  (We heard you had crossed into the Valley.)

"I must speak with Lord Elrond." Gandalf nodded.

"My Lord Elrond is not here." Lindir replied, glancing back to Beuren who had stepped closer to the conversation upon hearing the elven dialect.

"Not here? Where is he?" Horns sounded all around, echoing off the stone around them. Lindir tipped his head toward the path. Horses cantered towards the company.

"Ifridî bekâr!" (Ready weapons!) "Hold ranks!" Thorin ordered, Beuren was pulled by a strong hand backwards into the middle of the circle of dwarves. Bilbo bumped into her, also being jerked backwards and thrown towards the middle.

"Really?!" Beuren groaned, putting her hands on her hips. Bilbo stepped closer to her, finding comfort in her annoyance with the dwarves. If she was comfortable, then Bilbo had a feeling he should be too.

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