Chapter 23

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Bit of a fun chapter, hope you enjoy!


The ring maker smiled, and then looked up at the King. He closed the box and led him back to the front. He tied the box closed with a thin silver ribbon. Kitzkroff set the box on the counter and looked at Thorin. Thorin looked at the box then up at him. He’d been known for his skill with jewels ever since Thorin could remember. No matter how good his skills were, Thorin was still reluctant to give a gift he’d never seen. Kitzkroff saw the nervousness in Thorin’s features, he hid it well, but not well enough.

“My eyes might be old lad, but I know a good ring when I see one. I picked this one out several months ago, just for this, you’ll never guess who helped with it.” He smirked.

“Dis.” Thorin smiled.

“No. Like I said, you’ll never guess.” He heard the door open behind him. Fili scampered towards his uncle, taking hold of his index finger. He leaned into his legs and looked up at the small box with curiosity.

“Then who was it?” Thorin asked looking up from his yellow haired nephew back to Kitzkroff.

“It was a little friend of mine.” His eyes flicked down to Fili then back to Thorin. Fili beamed with excitement.

“Did you now.” Thorin took his nephew under the arms and picked him up, taking him in one arm and the ring with the other hand.

“What is the cost?”

“Nothing, for the Queen.” He winked and Fili grinned at Thorin. “If I may ask, when will you ask for her hand?”

“Soon, as soon as everything settles down with the newborn.”

“A little brother for you huh?” Fili nodded.

“His name is Kili.” Fili added.

“Fili and Kili, wonderful names for brothers.” Kitzkroff smiled. “Now you two have a good evening, and tell me how she likes it.”  Thorin smiled and looked at Fili once more.

“Let us hope she does.”

Five years later

“Now aim for the middle, the smallest point.” Fili took a great step, throwing the axe two handed over his head. He hit dead center, splitting the arrow that Beuren had put in the exact middle. Beuren clapped him on the shoulder, smiling.

“Kili, stay here, we don’t want you without a head on your shoulders now.” Thorin said, scooping the five year old brunette boy up in his arm and tossing him over his shoulder. The child laughed, trying to see around his uncle’s side. Dwalin entered the training hall. He smirked when he saw Beuren and Fili. It was his last day at training, for his level anyways. He’d have a week and then move, with several others, to a higher class. They’d go against their teacher, Dwalin, one at a time.

“Trying to get him more prepared I see?”

“Oi! You messed up my aim!” Fili groaned, seeing his axe hit the outer most circle on the target. Beuren smoothed his hair back and collected his weapons.

“Choose your weapon.” Dwalin called, taking up two large axes. Fili took up a sword, it was a sturdy weapon, and he could use it! Dwalin turned, gripping tightly to his weapons. Fili readied himself, taking the hilt of his sword in both hands.

Beuren took a seat next to Thorin on one of several benches along the wall. Young Kili crawled into her lap and twisted one of several thin braids in her hair around his small fingers. He’d always been closer to Beuren than Thorin. His brother was the opposite. But Kili had quite a reckless and adventurous nature, as did Beuren at his age, and still to this day. Thorin enjoyed just watching them; Kili would talk her into doing some of the most interesting activities.

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