Chapter 67

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"Kili?" His jaw dropped. Her burns were horrific, her scorched skin made his crawl. "You're alive!" She stepped across the room, wrapping her right arm about him. "My sweet, sweet boy, you're alive." He felt tears drip through his shirt. Without hesitating, he wrapped his arms around her, careful not to crush her left arm in the makeshift sling. 

"I'm alright Irak'amad." He said, burying his face into the crook of her neck. "I'm alright."

"Your brother, where is he?" Heavy boots sounded on the floor just behind them. 

"I'm right here, Irak'amad." She opened her arms to Fili, who stepped closer and cautiously wrapped his arms around her. "Oin and Bofur are downstairs." He added, drawing back from the hug. "Everyone made it." He offered her a smile. 

"Everyone but your eye..." Kili murmured, she punched his shoulder weakly and gave him a smile. 

"Have you seen your uncle?" She asked, taking a seat on the bed. "He hasn't come to visit."
"At all?" Fili's eyes narrowed. 

"I expect he's very busy." She said, her voice not matching the soft smile on her face. "Anyhow, I suppose I ought to go and see Oin..." 

"Ah. No. You're staying here. We'll go fetch Oin." Dwalin ordered. 

"Dwalin, I've been cooped up in this room for days. My back hurts. Some exercise would do me well." 


"Dwalin," She took a deep breath, trying a different approach. "He's old." 

"He's younger than you!" 

"You are impossible!"

"Impossible has kept you alive for the last several days if you've forgotten." 

"You two are quarreling like an old married couple," Balin snapped. "Stop it." He looked at his brother. "She is a grown woman. If she wishes to put herself through that mess, then so be it." Dwalin frowned. "Just make sure she doesn't fall." And with that, Balin turned and left the room. 

"Oh, dear." Oin said, peeling back the sheet from Beuren's shoulder. "Oh dear." 

"That bad?" 

"I cannot be sure." He said looking up and down her shoulder, face and arm. "I have to clean it first." 

"I'll fetch a rag-" Kili jumped to his feet.

"Oh, we're going to need more than a rag." Oin said. "I need something stiff, something really rough." 

"Like a flour sack?" Dwalin questioned. 

"Yes." With a nod he took Kili's shoulder. 

"Follow that bridge there, once you get to the end go left, it will take you right to the kitchens, see if there is anything there." Kili nodded, rushing towards the kitchen. 

"I also need clean bandages." Fili nodded, Blain led him to the healer's wing. "And look for any extra burn salve, what I have won't be enough for more than a few days." 

"So what's the plan?" 

"The plan, Beuren, is to scrub the burn and clean your eye socket." 

"And how do we do that?" 

"With boiling water." Beuren's skin paled and her stomach churned. 


"Yes, we haven't any other choice." 

"And after that?" Dwalin questioned. 

"And after that we soak a rag in whatever antibiotics I've got in my bag and stuff it in her socket." The company all cringed. "And then get her to the elves because I sure as hell can't take care of this on my own." 

"You don't have a choice." A booming voice came behind them. Thorin stood in the corner, eyes dark and angry. "This has cost us enough time. Clean her wounds. The rest of you, to the treasure hoard, we must find the Arkenstone." 

"Thorin, I will need help. I cannot hold her down on her own." Oin argued. 

"Make do." Thorin growled, stepping away back into the shadows. "The rest of you, follow me." Everyone obediently-albeit reluctantly-rose and followed him into the heart of the mountain. 

"Here we..." Kili paused, watching his cohorts marching after his uncle. "are... where are they going?" 

"To the treasure room. Thorin needs help looking for the Arkenstone." Oin sighed, looking back at Beuren's arm. 

"Go with him, Kili." Oin said, looking up at him. 

"I'm not leaving." He said with a smile. "And the wrath of Thorin can't make me." 

"Kili, I think he has a point." Fili said, he and Balin set down their boxes of supplies. "Uncle is sick." He began. "It is said that a curse lies upon that gold-"

"I know the tale, Fili." Kili groaned. "But Beuren needs out help. She needs us here. With her. Where we can keep her safe."

"Kili." Beuren's voice was quiet, calm. "Come here." He dropped to his knees, taking his Aunts hand in his own. "You should go." Kili opened his mouth to protest. "Listen, to me." Her soothing tone stopped him. "I think you know that the curse is not a tale. You saw it in Laketown. Your Uncle Thorin would have never left you behind, not ever. He would have stayed with you until you were healed, you know this." Kili nodded. "He's sick, my love. Very sick. He's also dangerous. Unpredictable. I fear for him. For us. I am in good hands here, darling. But I need to know that you are safe too. Go down there, all of you, and help him. You are better off doing what he says, he is less likely to lash out." She looked from face to face. "Please." Balin gave a nod, taking Kili by the elbow and pulling him to his feet. 

"I will need one of you to stay." Oin said quickly. 

"I will." Fili stepped forward. 

"I'm going to need someone stronger than you laddie." Dwalin nodded, taking the hint. 

"Aye. Let us be on with it then." 

Star-CrossedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora