Fire on Fire

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"These golden ashes turn to dirt. I've always liked to play with fire"-Play With Fire, Sam Tinnesz, ft. Yacht Money

※ Eliana's POV ※

Day 1

"Come on, Eliana! Concentrate!" Dante said softly from behind me as I groaned, trying to think of a memory that made me sad or frustrated.

My veins glowed orange and my hands shook as they were outstretched in front of me, but it felt as if everything in my body was restrained. Blocked. No flame.

My concentrated angry expression with my furrowed eyebrows and my narrowed eyes hurt my face, as it was permanently glued like that for the past few hours.

I groaned in disappointment as I failed to conjure fire once again, my hands falling to my sides numbly.

"Again" Dante sighed and softly patted me on my shoulder. I nodded, taking in a deep breath as I extended my hands again.

"Ela gamo" I whispered underneath my breath as I focused on a sad memory again. My arms started shaking violently and the orange glow washed over my veins. (Come on, dammit)

I thought of my mother's death and the day that I heard the news, how numb I was, and how my dad screamed in pain. That day was by far one of the most horrible days that I have ever experienced.

My fingers were extended and clenched, hurting me. But I didn't care. I continued trying to remember the pain that I felt that day, hoping it would be enough to boost my power.

I felt my eyes sting as I recalled all the nights that my dad came stumbling in the house, every time being drunker than the night before. The tears pooled inside my eyes, blurring my vision as I focused my cold glare on the scarecrow in the middle of the field.

I screamed out in agony and I could sense Dante's discomfort and worry coming in waves from behind me. I felt the power surging inside my arms and my heart clenched tightly inside my chest, as a spark flew from my open, shaking palm.

A small flame engulfed my right hand, licking around my fingers. I exhaled shakily as the tears escaped from my eyes, falling down my cheeks.

It's not anything grand but it is a start, I thought as I smiled weakly, watching the flames hug around my clenched fist, flowing with the wind.

"Good job Eli!" Dante exclaimed and raffled my hair playfully.

Day 4

I glared at the -still intact- scarecrow as I groaned out loud, concentrating on a memory where I was beyond mad at my dad a couple of years ago.

I felt the power flow through my veins as my mind drifted back, visiting the past once again.

I remembered how my dad had been so angry at me for having a little flirt with a guy from my class when I was 16, that he had locked me inside my room and taken away anything that had to do with technology; my laptop, my phone, my Nintendo, my mp3... Literally everything. He wouldn't let me contact any of my friends or the guy that I was dating at the time. I was forced to stay inside the house or preferably in my room while studying all day long.

He had grounded me not to go out for two months, and he had said that "I better forget about boyfriends until I raise my grades to straight A's again". I knew that his intentions were good but God, I was so infuriated at him during that time. Situations like this one may seem insignificant now, but then...They made me go feral.

Flame engulfed my fists and anger took over me as my whole body shook. I shouted again, as I did every time to help me unleash more emotions, and a spark of fire flew from my palm uncontrollably as it hit the grass inches away from my legs, making me screech and bounce back, falling on Dante, who was patiently waiting behind me for endless hours of training.

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