Hazel meets Blue

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"And everybody's watching her. But she's looking at you."- This Is What You Came For, Calvin Harris ft. Rihanna

Eliana's POV

My head is pounding, my heart is beating rapidly and I feel like I can't breathe.

I shut my eyes to calm myself down and try to catch my breath.

Slow, deep breaths Eli. It's fine.

Breath in, breath out. That's it, you got it girl.

My skin is so hot and I'm sweating like crazy. My back against the cold marble.

I feel something cold dripping down my legs and I freeze.

I refuse to open my eyes. I haven't done this before. I block out all the noises and I can hear my heartbeats so loudly, like a clock, ticking fast. Time was running out.

And then I feel it. Something soft, like a powder sticking to my wet thigh.

I open my eyes and watch what they're doing to me. I saw him leaning on me and I open my mouth letting him place the bitter slice on my teeth.

And then they start chanting.

"SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS!" My friends kept shouting at me and Blake, while he licked the salt from my thigh, downed the tequila shot in a second, and leaned down towards my face.

He watched me slowly while licking the remaining salt from his lips and came closer, taking the slice of lemon from my mouth, his lips grazing mine for a millisecond before he backed away, leaving me breathless from our proximity.

He smirked down at me as he offered me a hand to help me stand up from the table that I laid down on. I took his hand and swung my legs off the table, standing up.

I fixed my dress, pulling it down, and then I looked back up to Blake, blushing like crazy. He smirked nastily at me and winked, his eyes glistening from all the alcohol he had consumed. Then he bowed his head down, pushing my hair aside, and a second later I felt his hot breath on my ear.

"We should do that more often, don't you think little one ?" I could feel his smile growing when he whispered to me and I couldn't help but blush harder, if that was even possible.

Blake had always been such a tease and a huge flirt. He can get any girl he wants, but he's still trying to break me.

Not happening, the voice inside my head said.

He backed away and we both turned towards the rest of the crew. They were smirking at us and I noticed that the people at the other tables were all looking our way too, probably because of the previous scene.

I could feel my face getting hotter and hotter by the second, as I pulled on my dress, which was now sticking on my skin like a glove. After a few seconds, or minutes, I don't know how much time passed, some of them looked away. There were a few...men though, that kept throwing glances my way. More specifically, they were burning holes in my butt and my chest.

Some people don't like that kind of attention, and sober me definitely hates it. But drunk me? Drunk me almost craves it.

Thank you Tequila!

I looked at my friends one more time and then plopped down on the little couch on the corner, letting my head fall back. I closed my eyes and tried to relax a bit, as I pushed my hair into one shoulder and massaged my neck slightly.

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