Mind tricks vs. Reality

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"It's dangerous. I'm lovin' it."- Toxic, Britney Spears.

Don't start the song yet, wait for the sign! Enjoy!

Eliana's POV

"His name is Lucifer? Is that a stage name or something?" Christine asked and I mumbled a small 'I don't know', shrugging it off. 

"Is he like an actor or a model? Maybe a rockstar? Wait, is he a strip-"

"Chris!" I whisper-yelled at her, my eyes widening. "I did not sleep with a stripper!" I interrupted her before she could finish that sentence, as I looked up from my laptop's screen."Not that I have something against them, but I'm pretty sure he wasn't one." I mumbled again, frowning.

Sunday morning. 11:37 am.

Two days had passed from the sinful night at Lucifer's, as Christine likes to call it. We were currently at the University's public library and I was trying to do my homework, but a certain someone kept distracting me, asking all kinds of questions about a certain lover.

The truth was that I still had not filled her in on what exactly happened that night. It's not that I didn't want to tell her, she's my best friend and I tell her everything in disturbing detail. It's just that I was trying really hard to get him out of my mind, and how exactly was I supposed to do that if she kept asking about him all the damn time?

"Well, you have to give me something!" She said exasperated and leaned forward, placing her forearms on the wooden table and laying her head on top of them, batting her eyelashes at me.

I looked at her as she gave me that look.

"Alright, alright!" I sighed and her face lit up immediately.

"Really?" She breathed out and her eyes widened, a grin making its way to her face, showing her perfect pearly white teeth. She squealed and banged the table with her palms three times in victory. My eyes widened even more and I gasped at the loud sound, my hands shooting out to hers, holding them in the air.

"For fuck's sake Chris!" I whispered at her, looking around at the annoyed students as she continued grinning at me. "And yes, for real. The sooner I get this over with, the sooner I'll forget all about him." I said to her and her face fell a little. Before she could open her mouth, I closed my laptop with my left hand as I placed a finger on top of her lips. 

"Not here. Let's go."I said to her and collected my things, stuffing my laptop and my books inside my bag and swinging it over my shoulder, getting up. Christine did the same in silence and we made our way towards the exit of the library.




"So..." She spoke up as I sat down on the wooden chair, placing my latte on the table. I watched her chew on her lip excitedly like a little kid and the corners of my lips tugged up at her eagerness.

"So..." I teased her and looked around like I didn't know what she was indicating, stirring my coffee with the metallic teaspoon.

"Oh come on Eli! Spill!" She shouted and brought her hand down on the table, making a loud sound. I giggled at her and her childish behavior, deciding to put an end to her suffering.

"Okay, okay! Ask away." I said and took a sip of my coffee, the hot beverage warming my cold hands.

"How big is his d-?" I choked on my coffee and coughed three or four times, interrupting her. My hand shot up to my mouth, covering it while I coughed. Once I could breathe properly again, I looked up at her with wide eyes.

Lucifer KingOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara