Teen MC

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  What happens when a fourteen year old MC walls through the door...


Napoleon Bonaparte

-he was nervous when he saw a teenager walk through that door
-why is there a child here why in GODS NAME IS THERE A CHILD-
-yeah he's training you to use a sword to protect yourself, you're fourteen after all, you're basically a kid
-awkward older brother sort of figure

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

-he's already annoyed
-but whatever he'll look out for you because well- he'd be an ass if he didn't
-if you don't know piano he's teaching you right away, it calms him and it's easier to talk with you that way
-he's always looking out for you even if you never notice

Leonardo da Vinci

-you trip over him the moment you walk through that door, because he was asleep- right there
-he's immediately worried that you were all on your own
-he's such a himbo lord have mercy on your soul
-he's looking out for you no matter what, and gives you some small items from his room

Arthur Conan Doyle

-what- what in the bloody hell is happening, why is there a kid there? What the hell—
-he's...adjusting to everything slowly, but still worried about everything
-he sometimes allows you to pitch ideas for new stories, the fourteen year old brain is something special indeed
-as long as you're happy and safe, he's happy

Vincent van Gogh

-he was so worried, he really was so he immediately took you under his wing to look out for you
-he just wants you to be okay, because no child should be alone
-he allows you to paint with him somedays, and in fact enjoys your art
-he's a sweetheart, so he's always looking out for your well-being

Theodorus van Gogh

-he doesn't want to get involved with you in anyway, teenagers are a nuisance and that's final
-...but he can't help himself, he's always looking after you from a distance
-he's a little weirded out by the whole thing, but he looks after you until the door opens once more
-brings you along to art deals, and gave you a pocketknife if anything goes wrong

Osamu Dazai

-he's not gonna lie, he's worried for you, and takes it to look after you even if you don't realize it
-he's defiantly taught you how to climb through windows- just so it's easier to get around and you always have a getaway if something happens
-he wants to make sure you always end up better than him

Isaac Newton

-he's so awkward about the whole thing because why are you here, and how
-he's good with kids luckily, so you'll be just fine- he's always looking out for you and making sure you never get in any trouble
-a little slow with you, but he's simply trying his best
-older brother once more- except he's more quiet about all of it

Jean d'Arc

-the sheer panic he felt when he saw you walk through that door, all alone and only a few years younger than him when he died...oh
-he tries his best to avoid you, but of course he can't do much when you're so persistent
-he eventually taught you how to use a sword because he was in fact worried for you
-he's quietly looking out for you because he just wants you to be okay

William Shakespeare

-what. just what.
-he's a little stunned at first, considering you're just a teenager all on your own
-but alas, he can't do much so he tends to bring you along to the theater with him because he can't keep an eye on you there
-he just wants you to be alright, so there is no way he introduces you to his...other friends. it's for the best if he doesn't

le Comte de Saint Germain

-he felt so guilty, he really did.
-he didn't expect you to follow him, so now he feels terrible that you're in the manor all by yourself, you had just wanted to help
-he bought you so many gifts to make it up for you, after all gift giving is his love language (platonically and romantically of course)
-he quietly watches over you, making sure you're happy and safe


-he's pretty good with kids and teenagers, so he's looking out for you the moment you step through the door
-yeah now get to work you're gonna do great kid
-he gives you breaks so you don't overwork yourself, and it's only for a month so it's all good
-he's looking out for you, making sure you don't get hurt or in any danger


  Yeah I- I'm not proud of this. Have fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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