Take A Break | William Shakespeare x Female!Reader

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  This is probably one of the harder things I had to write apart from the one Napoleon request.

  But I finally got something, that's all that counts! Also, I'm writing this because I currently need diamonds to complete an avatar challenge and to complete the kiss event.

Thank you Cybrid for taking away my college funds.



You had always been a sickly child, though you had made it this far. When you got sick, it was terrible.

You lost all color in your face, you gained extremely dark circles under your eyes, and you overall looked like hell.

You were glad that Shakespeare wasn't there to see you.

You didn't know where your boyfriend was. Possibly at the theater with the cast of his new play. Maybe.

  You were too sore to get up and find out.

  You felt your head fall back on your pillow as you let out a low, pained groan. Your whole body ached, and felt cold.

  Even Shakespeares clothes and warm bed could get rid of the cold spells you were experiencing. You had wished that Shakespeare was there to hold you, but he had to work.

  You really did understand. You had worked as well back in your time, you had actually run a cafe.

  You did in this time too, but some jobs just couldn't allow for an hour break. One of the those jobs, was Shakespeares.

  You sometimes wondered how Shakespeare managed to keep it all up, and made such wonderful stories without any flaws or failures, and in such a short amount of time!

  ...then you remembered that this man stayed up days and nights to write all of Romeo and Juliet, and then slept for a solid week to recover.

  Right...that's how he did it.

  You were pulled from your thoughts as you felt sudden stomach pain and lightheadedness.

  Oh god...why now?

  You quickly push yourself up out of bed and ran to the bathroom as fast as your feet could take you.


  You were laying in bed once again, this time wearing one of Shakespeare's shirts and a pair of his loose fitting pants.

  It was now late at night, with only those wanting to visit bars and renting rooms roaming around.

  Shakespeare still wasn't home.

  You had gotten sick in the morning, and you still felt terrible, but you hadn't spilled your guts again.

  That was one good thing.

  Meanwhile, you were starting to grow concerned with where Shakespeare was.

  Had he possibly gone to a bar himself and got drunk? Or had he fallen asleep in the theater, which you had caught him doing multiple times.


  You didn't want to think of the worst, but your mind couldn't help it. Your brain was convincing you of the worst things.

  You sat up in bed, lost in thoughts before you felt a small amount of pressure on your stomach.

  You let out a small squeak until you glanced down and saw Shakespeares pet rabbit, Puck.

  You had to laugh.

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