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Monika pulls a flower to herself, sniffing it before putting it in the basket that trails after her. Her powers have grown exponentially.

Mostly because I fill her up every chance that I get. The more we tangle in bed the more of my essence pours into her, and the more power she has.

Her hair reminds me of a bouquet of roses. The way her curls tumble down her back. The swirls. So pretty. Her hips away as she walks, a natural elegant sway.

She's insisted I give everyone a day off. I'll overwork them she says. Her fingertips brush the edge of a rose gently.

"It's a beautiful day," she says softly.

I want to tell her it's only beautiful because she's here, but I won't. I just nod. She glanced back at me, when I don't speak, smiling softly.

Her smile. Her eyes close, her lips lift and her cheeks get a little warmer. I love her smile. I smile back, I can't help it.

She turns back around. "You're so good, Slade." She chuckles, sitting down on a bench. Po appears holding a tray of tea and sweets.

Monika gives her a patented smile, thanking her softly.

I sit across from her. All of these things just taste like pure sugar to me, I can't taste nuances of flavor. Just the macronutrients. Sugar. Salt. Iron in Blood. They're too small for me to pick up, too, I'd just crush them.

I try my best to pick up the teacup. It's sized for her. She smiles at my struggle, picking up a sweet.

"This one isn't too sugary. It should be pleasant. Do you want it?"

I nod, and she puts it in my mouth. She's right. It's quite pleasant. Then again, anything she gives me is nice.

"What's with the roses?" I ask. She sets her cup down with a shrug.

"I wanted to put a bouquet in the bedroom. Slade...I have a question and don't get upset at me."

Upset? With her? Is it truly possible?

"About...you know."

My grip tightens on the cup. It breaks in my hand.

She sighs, waving her hand, the glass being shooed to the floor.

"It was an accident," I murmur.

"I know. Is there a plan? I don't think we can avoid conflict forever you know."

I lean back. "This is the plan. Fallon, Dion, Nathaniel, and Solice are Demigods, meaning their potential is capped. As long as I train them so that they're strong enough it's fine. And then there's you."

I reach across the table, stroking her cheek. She smiles leaning into my touch.

Beautiful. So beautiful it makes me angry sometimes. Not with her. It's just...how can anyone be so adorable. It makes me want to squeeze her so hard.

"You've already unlocked most of your powers. Once you're at your full potential, nothing will be able to hurt you, let alone Orion."

She nods. "Solid, I suppose."

I shrug. Of course, it is. I'm the god of war, after all.

She sips her tea gently, her pinkie up. How cute. I smile despite myself.

"After this is all over," I start, moving my plate a bit to the side, "Will you give me a child?"

She freezes, the lip of the cup touching her mouth as she slowly looks up. Hm. That doesn't look like boundless enthusiasm.

"Ah...I thought gods couldn't have children."

I raise my brow. "What have you that impression? If your sentence starts with a god can't...it's usually inaccurate."

She swallows roughly. "A Child..."

I nod. "So? Will you?"

"Depends. Will it hurt?" She raised her brow.

"It shouldn't. As a goddess, you can turn off your mortal's forms sensation."

She raised a dubious brow but doesn't contest me. She sighs. "If you really want a child, I'll give you one. But you mustn't parent them like you did the rest."

I scoff. "My parenting style is called training and it is flawless."

She stands, tapping my shoulders. "Absolutely fucking not. I'm going to get some real food. Coming?"

I follow her. Of course, I do. I'll follow her everywhere.

She sits down, and I sit next to her. Fallon, Solice, and Dion come in, naturally drawn to her, chatting away.

"Alright. This family needs to have set meal times."

Family. I smile. "Yes. I agree. Fallon, who is the Victor creature I have not forgotten—"

Monika elbows me roughly and we eat.

Bride of War (18+)Where stories live. Discover now