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Four hundred and...or was three hundred? A few hundred years ago, Slade was not as talkative as he is now. He communicated with a series of grunts and groans and you just had to kinda figure it out.

I was a young demigod, and I was tired of being tied up in the temple. By Slade always pounded into my mind to never trust humans.

They're evil. Untrustworthy. Don't believe them. Don't love them; and above all, never tell them who you are.

And when I was young, that was acceptable. The temple was my palace and I ruled it atop Slade's shoulders.

Never much wondering if my predecessors or the life outside. But sometimes, Slade would take me to the market. Just to see.

He'd hold my hand tightly, carrying me down the steer, as my young eyes feasted on the sights and smells.

There's where I met him. A young boy that...I befriended. Eventually, I began slipping out of the temple to meet him.

Lying to Slade. Looking back, he must've known but would never call me out of it. We'd sit at the table and he'd start at me.

"Sleep well," he'd say.

And I just nod and that was the end of that.

On a partial night, I'd snuck out. This young man, with blonde hair and red eyes, would tell me how difficult his life was.

That he wished he could be as free as I was. He would touch me, hands tucking my hair behind my ear, grazing my shoulder.

I didn't have experience with humans but Slade wasn't touchy. He'd pat my head. Hoist me onto his shoulders when I was young.

I thought he was just friendly.

"Come with me," he smiled, looking over my face. "He'll never have to know."

I look away. "Slade knows everything he's..."

He pressed his cheek against my chess. "I have a secret. I'm actually a prince."

I remember my stomach turning. Slade said of all humans to distrust, the hierarchy went, men, royalty, and men with nothing to lose.

I swallowed and stood. I felt very sick to my stomach. And I remember starting to pray.

"No...Dion. You can't leave. I want you."

I look back. "Want...me? Want me to what?"

He stands and smiles. I don't have my knife. I don't have my sword. But I can fight him.

I pull away but I'm being held down. They're stronger than me, holding me down, with a flurry of blows. I can't seem to draw my strength. Maybe I'm doing it on purpose.

Maybe I care about him. Whatever it is, he takes perverse pleasure in my pain, joining in.

I realize he didn't my friendship. He wanted to own me. He viewed me as an object, a pet, a toy. I was his amusement and right then, my place was to die for it.

For his amusement. And Slade's words come to mind.

Don't go into the city alone. Because if you call me I might not be able to hear you.

But I call. I scream. I scream for him. After a few hours, it's clear he can't hear me. He's not coming. The strength that left me returned.

I limp home. Slade stands when I enter.

"Where have you been?" He comes over to me looking at my wounds. "How did this happen, who did this, why..."

He clenched his jaw, throwing me over his shoulder.

"I told you not to go out," he gruffs. He sets me in the bath, washing the grime and blood off my face.

"Who was it?"

"A prince. He got away."

Slade pauses. "What have I told you about fucking with royalty, Dion," he shakes my shoulders. "What were you thinking!"

"What does it matter?" I look away, wiping my face.

"With royalty...they're tied to the balance because their choices affect so many humans. I can't...I'm not supposed to interfere with them much."

I look at him. "But you'll kill him, right? Slade he...he hurt me really badly. They held me down, they..."

Slade clenched his jaw and close his eyes with a sigh. He continues wiping my face. "I'll have Po make your favorites. We'll take a break from training too, you need to recover.

He looks at my bruises and cut torso. His eyes burn. But I see it. He's not...

"I called for you," I whisper.

He flinched. "Ah..."

"Why can't you hear me?" I sniffle.

He lathers my hair. "Slade is not my true name. So I can't hear prayers when they're addressed to that name and I...don't know my real name anymore."

He wraps a towel around me picking me up and setting me down with a pat on my head. He turns around snapping a new pair of clothes on me.

I swallow but nod. "I'm not upset you couldn't hear me. I understand that. But why...why did you keep that man alive, Slade?"

Slade's jaw ticks.

"The balance must be kept," He informs me. "If it were a normal human, Dion...I would. But I am a god. And the balance must come first."

I look down, nodding.

I turn around. "You know when I was younger...I thought you were amazing."

And I left. I left for the wide world. Slade took in Fallon after me. I will say, it seems he learns. Gets better with each kid. Family jewels I suppose.

Pass it down from kid to kid, that fucked up mess of a childhood that you remember fondly until you think too deeply about it.

It was never malicious. He just...didn't understand. Tried to, I believe that, I saw it. My childhood was full of days of training, sitting on top of a god's shoulders in an opulent temple, as he told me of worlds and wisdom I didn't understand.

But it was also full of frustrated looks with words he couldn't say. Of stern commands when questions are asked, and very little explanation.

No human contact. I went out into the world and it was just as cruel as he'd described. I wonder if I'd ever left if I had listened.

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