Bonus Chapter

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Po has always an important member of the household. She was made from scratch by Slade's hand, a one of a kind existence. Slade tells me he made her when Nathaniel was young, and he learned that he in fact, did have to eat human food.

Slade did not know how to feed him, and his attempts were...less than stellar. So he created Po to help him, to do the things he didn't know how to do, mostly cooking and childcare when he wasn't around.

Soon though, Po became someone he cared for as well. Her stony exterior began to turn into flesh and blood. Most days Po gets time off. Mostly because Fallon has been protesting, insisting Slade is instituting something called slavery and that it was inhumane.

Slade argued that she wasn't human, to which Fallon sped away in tears.

Of course, Slade conceded with a heavy sigh, as he does.

Po and I sit in the garden together. She shifts uneasily, looking down at her hands. These days, Po resembles a young woman, with brown eyes and black hair. I've rarely actually seen her, as she usually wears a veil over her face.

"You okay?" I ask her, reaching out and taking her hand.

She smiles at me nervously and nods. "It's just...I'm used to doing things. I don't like sitting still. Fallon's here and you know she exerts so much energy you have to constantly be making food for her."

I grin, and pat her hand. "I know you're not used to relaxing, Po. But you're a person too. You deserve time to yourself. Time to rest."

She smiles stringently. "But I don't need rest. Or sleep. And I find baking very relaxing."

I lean back and sigh. "Don't you ever get tired of working? Don't you want to something else?"

"Like what?" She whispers.

I look over at her. "I don't know. Dance. Take a trip. See some sights. Knit."

Her brows knit in confusion. "No...I think I'll go back to working. Master will be needing my assistance —"

The sun disappears, and we're shrouded in shadow. In front of us stands Slade, shirtless as always, his necklace of fangs around his neck. He crosses his arms.

"I have told you, don't call me Master. You can call me Slade like everyone else, Po."

She looks down and nods. He sighs, and crouches down, putting his hand on her head.

"It's alright. Take some time. You're your own person now, Po. Relax."

"But what about the children! Who will cook for them!" She protests, looking up at him.

He smiles reassuringly and points down to his pink apron. "I've learned a thing or two. Monika cooks as well. And the children are old enough to cook for themselves."

Po purses her lips and frowns deeply, discontent. " I even needed anymore? Are you going to unmake me?"

So that's what she's worried about. I wince. How pitiful. The poor woman. Po has always been there for me. She's my friend. I didn't know she was worried about something like that.

"Po, you are my creation. You are my child. I made you with my own hands. I would never abandon you. I want you to be happy."

Slade kisses her head, and stands. "So relax, and have fun. Go out and see things, travel, spend money, experience the world and stay away from boys."

Po smiles and looks at me. I hug her, and lean in to whisper in her ear. "You don't have to follow that last part."

She giggles and hugs me back.

"Yes you do," Slade shouts. "No boys!"

"Aw," Fallon groans from inside the house.
"No boys for you either!"  His voice echos down the corridor.
"What about me?" Dion asks.
"Wahh?" Zephyr copies his brother.
"No boys for anyone!" Slade demands.

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