Chapter 55

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"Good morning, Nate. Are you ready?"

"I don't know." I stared glumly out the window and tried once again to answer the question... then realized how miserable I must have sounded to Ivy. "I mean, I'm not sure. My wings are strong enough that I can fly around the room a few times, but it wears me out. I couldn't finish the Morning Song today." That had been beyond frustrating - I had leapt into the air with joy at the sunrise, and had physically collapsed halfway through it. I had wailed helplessly on the floor until Minna picked me up and put me on the windowsill, then finished my singing.

"I know." There was a pause and a feeling of sympathy from Ivy - she hadn't been fooled by my quick change of topic, and had known what I was really uncertain about. She didn't press it, though. "You still need a few more days before you'll be completely back to normal, but the flock will keep you safe. Amanda has cleaned out my old den and gotten it usable again, so you'll have a place to stay. A few other dragonets have said they'll help you settle in too. Show you where everything's at, introduce you to people, that kind of stuff."


A feeling that reminded me of Ivy nudging my side with her head came through the mindspeech - a wordless 'you're welcome'. I went back to staring out the window.

The soft chime eventually signaled somebody at the door. Minna rose from the couch with a "Come in," and Arlia walked in.

"Are you ready?" Arlia glanced at Minna, then over at me.

"I... no." Minna walked towards the door and pulled my harness off the hook there. "But he is. And waiting longer will only make it worse."

Arlia nodded slowly... then leaned over to give Minna a hug. They stood like that for a long moment before Minna pulled away. "Thank you. I'm going to miss him."

"I know. I'll miss him too, I think; I've gotten used to seeing him in the corner on movie nights." Arlia smiled over at me. "And there's always the chance the others won't accept him; he might still end up back here with you."

Minna just shook her head. "Even if they do, it'll just mean doing this again in a few days at the park here."

Arlia nodded slowly. "...yeah. I guess that's true."

The room was silent for a moment, then Minna turned towards me and held out the harness. "Okay, fire lizard. Trenil's waiting for us."

I hopped over to the end table and posed for her, and she looped the harness over me with the now-familiar click. She scooped me up and brought me to her shoulder, and I heard a second click as she snapped the end of the leash to the harness.

We left the apartment.

I had no idea if I wanted it to be for the last time or not.

I flew a few times on the walk, but my wings still tired quickly, and for the most part I just sat on Minna's shoulder. We came to an open area that reminded me of a helicopter landing pad, and after a few minutes of waiting a shuttle landed for us.

Minna and Arlia both seemed surprised at the sight of the pilot, and both of them glared at her in stony silence the entire trip. The pilot just wore a smug expression that only changed when she looked at me and frowned.

The shuttle flight lasted for about two hours before we finally landed. The pilot gave us a much-too-cheerful, "Have a great day!" as we disembarked.

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