Chapter 71

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I gradually woke up the next day to the feel of Minna petting my back. It was a slow motion, one that seemed distracted, but it was actually rather pleasant to wake up to. I yawned and stretched, then rested my head back down to catch a few more minutes of rest.

Minna scratched at my head just above my left ear, and I rumbled in appreciation as I tilted my head to nudge back against her.

We spent a few minutes waking up like that before she reached down to lift me up. I warbled in protest but she stood anyway, passing me up onto her shoulder as she climbed out of bed. "Sorry, but the sun is going to rise soon. Then we need to get breakfast, then it's more training for us."

She reached up to pet my back again, but this time I noticed she was watching me thoughtfully. Something was definitely on her mind.

We went into the garden sunroom and found Terron and Loreena already waiting for us. I flew to a perch closer to the window to stare out at the horizon. The tug of the Morning Song was already strong. We had cut it close. The sun was about to rise... any... minute... there!

The sun called me to sing and dance, and I rose into the air to meet its call. I lost myself in dancing through the small room, happy just to be a part of it once more.

The sunrise ended, and I settled down onto another sturdy looking branch. It hadn't been a particularly strong dance, but that was okay. Welcome, even. I had been through a lot of ups and downs the past few days and weeks, and it was nice to just have the equivalent of a gentle wave of greeting after the overwhelming bear hug of yesterday's dance.

I watched the sky for another second or two, then turned and flew back to Minna's shoulder.

She had been watching me with that same thoughtful half-frown. I shifted nervously on her shoulder. Had the images I sent her been too much? Did she know something?

I forced myself not to look at her hand, but the scratches there were all I could think of.

"I need to call Trenil and talk over some things, but I'll head out soon for some more training. Would you like me to pick up anything while I'm out?" Minna looked away from me and over at Loreena, who was still watching the sky herself.

"We could use some more snacks, if that is okay? I invited some of Lyzel's friends over yesterday afternoon and they ate through more than I expected."

"Of course. I'll probably be out late again, but I'll be sure to pick some up for you." Minna dipped her head in farewell and left the sunroom.

She stopped by the kitchen and piled some fruits in a bowl before grabbing what looked to be a candy bar of some kind, then took us back to the guest room. I flew to the dresser, expecting her to leave my food there like she had before, but this time she kept the bowl with her and sat on the side of the bed.

That was fine. I flew over to perch on one of her legs and let her feed me by hand. It had been a few days since we had done that, and it was nice to have that little bit of closeness.

But she kept looking at me with that same thoughtful expression the whole time.

She strung her own breakfast out with mine, and we finished at about the same time. I flew back over to the dresser and landed next to the heat lamp, then scratched at the side of it and looked back at Minna. "On?"

Her thoughtful expression changed to a smile and she crossed over to turn on the lamp. I stretched out under the growing warmth and felt a smug sense of satisfaction. Ha! Looks like I taught Minna a trick. And I didn't even have to use treats to do it with.

Minna went back to her luggage and pulled out her tablet. She sat on the bed and fiddled with it for a bit while I relaxed.

The tablet made a 'beep' sound after a moment, then Trenil's voice came from the tablet. "Trenil speaking."

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