Chapter 59

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I finished the Morning Song with a flourishing somersault and glided back down to my favorite tree. Trenil had a few trees in his yard, but this one had bright purple flowers that smelled nice, and I liked resting in it. A handful of Kymari had watched my dance from the other side of the fence, and one of them waved at me as I settled down. "Hi there!"

"Hihi!" I chirped back at the Kymari. It wasn't uncommon for people walking by Trenil's house to stop and watch me in the morning, and it was usually fun to sing at them a little bit. Occasionally they would even have treats to offer me... though today they all seemed empty handed.

Still, it was nice to have attention.

"Hi!" The Kymari smiled at my chirp and repeated his greeting.

Though conversations with any Kymari aside from Trenil tended not to be very... intellectual. I hopped to a lower branch and chirped at the observers again. "Hello!"

We wasted about half an hour talking back and forth at each other before the group realized they had somewhere they probably had to get to. They were all smiling when they left, which made me feel better.

I had really needed that little pick-me-up.

"Nate?" I tried to reach the silver dragonet yet again... and yet again I felt the hollow echo. He was still blocking me.

That or he was asleep. That would mean he had missed the Morning Song, though. Would he have done something like that? He had seemed so very upset last night. And I knew that sadness could make it very hard to wake up, even for something as rewarding as greeting the sunrise. There had been a few days that I had felt too miserable to dance for the sunrise and had needed to be nudged into doing it, especially back when... though I always felt better after the Morning Song, and appreciated that my friends had gone through the effort to look out for me.

I really hoped that he was just blocking me. That was a little upsetting, since I wanted to know how he was doing and was sure he could really, really use a friend right now... but at least it would mean he had gotten the uplifting boost the Morning Song always brought us. And I had a feeling he really needed that even more.

I stared up through the leaves above me in the general direction of the city he lived in. Please be okay...

"Thinking about your friend again?"

I glanced down and saw Trenil standing at the door to the house. "How did you know?"

"You always sag your wings a little and curl up the end of your tail when you are feeling sad. I know he is on your mind lately." He walked out into the yard and stopped next to the tree, lifting a hand to rest against the bark. "Is he still not answering you?"

I nodded sadly. "Yeah... nothing at all since last night."

"I checked the tracker again. It says he is still doing okay. His heart rate was up a little bit ago, but that's what I would expect during the sunrise."

"Oh. Oh, good. I was worried that maybe he had just slept through the Morning Song, and that's why I couldn't reach him. I'm glad to hear it; I'm sure he could use it right now."

Trenil didn't seem as pleased at my reasoning as I was, and I saw him frown. "But... from what I understand, that still means he is blocking you specifically from reaching him? Is he mad at you?"

I sighed and shook my head. I was beginning to think I was just bad at explaining things to people. Trenil never quite seemed to grasp how our mindspeech worked, no matter how many times I tried explaining it. And Nate hadn't seemed to really get how to use the mindspeech, and he actually was a dragonet. I had a dreadful feeling that if I ever had kids they would be the only dragonets in the entire flock that never learned how to communicate beyond the instinctive chirps and whistles of the dragonet language...

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