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The next day I walk into school feeling even more on edge than ever. All because of what happened yesterday. Why did I have to agree to that deal?
I sigh and make my way towards the classroom where we'll have our first class for the day. Math...
It's not the best but atleast I don't have to see Mr Nelson.

When I reach the classroom, the teacher hasn't arrived yet, which is kinda weird to me because usually I'm the one who arrives last.
Some of my classmates are standing by the classroom door, waiting to be let in while holding books and pencils in their hands.
Oh damn...
I never usually care to bring any books with me to class. The only thing I have with me is a small broken pencil with bitemarks on it. But now because of the deal, it's important for me to act like a good student, so that I don't have to take those extra lessons after school.
Therefore, I'm going back to my locker to get the damn books. Hopefully I'll find them in that mess.

As I begin to walk away, I hear a voice behind me "You are going the wrong way mister".
It's pretty clear who is calling me but I decide to take a look anyways and there he stands, Mr fucking Nelson. What does that asshat want?
I clench my teeth and glare at him.
"The lesson is gonna take place over here" he says and walks over to the door where the other students are standing. He unlocks it and let them in.
After that he makes a motion for me to come and I just stare at him in disbelief. What the hell is going on?
Don't tell me...

I walk up to where Mr Nelson is standing and really want to confront him and ask what the hell he is doing here but I stop myself real quick, thinking about the consequences.
"I forgot my books" I say instead, cringing at myself.
"It's okay, you can get them later. But for now sit down please." he says and directs me to an empty chair.
As I sit down he closes the door and steps infront of the class.
"Goodmorning" he says calmly "I know that you're a little confused to why I am here instead of Ms Aldrin. The reason is that she is sick and can't come to school. So atleast today you have to bear with me. Okay?"


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