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The first week has gone pretty well. Hayden has behaved and been a good boy most of the time. I have gotten some complaints from the other teachers during the week but nothing major. So if he keeps this up, he will be fine. But I know for a fact that this is just a charade. When these two weeks are over,  he will immediately go back to his old ways.
Therefore, I have decided that no matter what happens, I'm still gonna make him have extra lessons with me and there's nothing he can do about it.

The next week goes pretty much like the last one and on that Friday afternoon I meet with Hayden in an empty classroom, to tell him about my decision.
He stands by the entrance with his hands in his pockets while I stand by the front desk.
"Even though you did pretty good these two weeks, it's not enough to make your grades better. " I say
"So, you'll have to take extra lessons with me everyday after school from now on. Okay?"

His eyes widen at my words and his hands flies out of his pockets.
"No!" He yells at me "HELL to the fucking NO!"
I give him a stern look as he continues with his outburst.
"We had a deal! If I was good, you wouldn't bother me anymore! So... what's up with this bullshit?!"

The next thing I know, he is bent over the desk. He grunts and tries to get free "What the hell... let me go."
I hold him down with my left hand and spank his ass with my right.
"You" SMACK "Do" SMACK "Not" SMACK "Swear" SMACK "And" SMACK "You" SMACK "Do" SMACK "Not" SMACK "Yell" SMACK "At" SMACK "Your" SMACK "Elders" SMACK
"Do you understand?"

I look down at Hayden, who is now a crying mess. So instead of holding him down , I start to stroke his back in an attempt to comfort him. "Shh... it's okay..." I whisper gently "Daddy is here..."


I'm standing here bent over the desk, crying my eyes out because Mr Weirdo spanked me. Who does that?
Anyway, it hurt like a butt cheek on a stick. And that wasn't even on my bare ass.

Suddenly he starts to stroke my back and I have to admit that it feels kinda good. But then he also starts to whisper  to me, which kinda ruins it. "Shh... it's okay..."
I'm not a baby for fucks sake.
"Daddy is here..."
Daddy? What the fuck?

As I think of an escape plan, he turns me towards him, picks me up and holds me in his arms. I try to push him away but it's to no avail, he is too strong. So I just let it happen for now. I'm too tired to fight and even though this is kinda weird, it feels good to be comforted like this once in a while.

"I just need you to be a good boy,  okay?" he then suddenly says "You are daddy's good boy, right?"
There's that daddy thing again. What's up with that? But being called a good boy feels kinda good, to be honest.

After a while he let's me go and just looks at me while I look away, not knowing what to do. He then clears his throat and adjusts his glasses. "The extra lessons will begin on Monday next week and you will be there. Are we clear?" he says sternly and I just nod in response. "Good" he says and smiles while taking his portfolio in his right hand. " Have a good weekend and see you next week"

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