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As I make my way towards the classroom, I'm struggling to keep myself  awake because I barely got any sleep last night.
It's all because of HIM. He treated me like a baby, then he threw me out and then I cried for no reason.  After that my thoughts kept spinning and made me unable to sleep.

Anyways, I'm keeping my distance from him from now on.

I sigh and walk towards the classroom that's straight up ahead. The door isn't open yet so I'll have to stand there and wait with the other students. Suddenly the door to the teacher's lounge opens and out comes, not the teacher we are waiting for but... Mr Nelson. Of freaking course, and to make things worse he walks this way.

So I take up my phone and pretend to do something important on it, just to avoid looking at him. He says goodmorning to some other students and then just walks on by without even looking at me once. What the hell? It's like he's ignoring me.
Not that I care... it's just weird that's all. Usually he is always up in my face about something, but now... nothing. Not even a glance.

The week goes on the same way. When we have lessons together he sometimes asks me a question or two, but that's it. Outside class, he just keeps on ignoring me. He doesn't make me go have extra lessons with him either.
Even though that's what I want, it just doesn't sit right. It's almost frustrating in a way.
I want to scream and shout, anything to make him notice me. It feels like I'm gonna burst any second.
Why is he doing this?

It's now friday afternoon and the last lesson has ended. I'm the only student left in the classroom and mr Nelson is standing at the front, making himself ready to leave. This is my chance.
I stand up, take a deep breath and walk up to the front desk.

"Why are you ignoring me?" I ask and instantly feel a lump forming in my throat, like I'm about to cry.
He looks at me without saying anything.
"Answer me" I demand with a shaky voice.
"Hayden" he says calmly.
"No! Just answer my damn question!"
Tears are now forming in my eyes and I  try my best to push them back but to no avail. They are now streaming down my face and there's nothing I can do about it.

He looks at me with concern and walks over to me.
"Come here" he says and reaches his hand out towards me.
"No" I whine and push his hand away.
"Yes" he says and comes even closer to me "Come here and tell daddy what got you so worked up"
As he is about to lift me up I feel something warm and wet on my pants. In fear I look down to find a wet spot on the crotch area and a small puddle right beneath me on the floor. Did I just-
Embarrassed and confused I start to cry even more.


I'm standing here with Hayden, who is a crying mess and who also just made a mess.
"Shh, it's okay" I say while stroking his back, in an attempt to comfort him and calm him down.
He doesn't say anything or try to push me away. He just keeps on crying. So at last I lift him up, bounce him carefully while stroking his back and whispering sweet nothings to him. That seems to work because the crying is slowly fading away and turning into small sniffles instead.

When he has calmed down, I try to put him down but he clings onto me.
"Awe it's okay baby. Daddy just needs to clean up this mess. Then we will go home and make you clean. Okay?"

As we arrive at my place I pick Hayden up and take him directly to the nursery, laying him down on the changing table. He squirms and tries get up but I hold him down. "Stay still please" I say with a serious tone in my voice and he stops just like that. He is probably tired after all the crying and doesn't have the strength to fight. But i'm not complaining, because that actually makes my job easier.

"Lift up your legs please" I say and he whines a little before eventually doing as told.
"Good boy" I praise and take off his pants, putting them in a plastic bag. Then I do the same thing with the underwear.
"That wasn't that bad, was it now? Keep your legs up for me please" I tell him and take some wipes from one of the shelves.

"This is probably gonna be a little bit cold" I inform and hold his legs up with one hand, wiping him down with the other.


This is embarrassing as hell but there is something about it, something about being treated like this that I kinda like, it makes me calm in a way and I'm too tired to put up a fight, so I'll let it slide for now.

I'm cringing and squirming from the coldness of him wiping me down. It's kinda uncomfortable but it's  probably over soon and daddy- I mean Mr Nelson is praising me along the way, which makes it a little bit better.

At last he stops but the embarrassing part isn't over yet because just as I sigh in relief he picks up something else from one of the shelves and that one thing is-

a diaper?!

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