This is Bad -Chapter 1

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It had been a long day for Danny, and he'd had just about enough of it. He had been cramped in the 'Fenton Family Ghost Assault Vehicle' for almost 12 hours, now! With his parents! He needed to get some space, and quick. The moment he got his stuff into the hotel they were staying at, he bolted out the door, telling his parents that he wanted to explore the city.

Jazz knew better. She could tell that he was stressed from being stuck with his parents rambling on about how evil ghosts are, what weapons they could make to disintegrate them, and how many hunters they could meet and compare notes with.

It was bad for his mental health, all of that negative talk. Jazz had been spending her days convincing Danny that he wasn't an abomination or a monster and that he should be proud of who he is, but every moment they spent around their parents took her work ten steps backwards.

She pulled out her phone, sending her brother a quick text. 'Stay safe... Please.' She knew how bad Gotham could be when it came to crime and kidnappings, but she also knew that her little brother could take care of himself in situations like this.

Right now, she was more disappointed about the fact that her parents didn't even bat an eyelash as Danny ran off into the streets of one of the most crime-ridden cities in the country, only moments before it got dark! She was going to talk with them about that later. But right now, she needed to unpack and take a break.


Danny looked down at his phone while he sat on the roof of the hotel. He saw the message his sister had sent him and responded, 'I'll try my best. :p'. He knew she cared about him, and that made him feel happy; someone was there in his corner for him. He didn't know what he would ever do without her. Danny clipped his phone onto his belt and looked up into the sky to see the sunset.

He couldn't see the sun in this city, though. The air was thick with a groggy smog that made Danny's lungs feel heavy. He chuckled, thinking of his friend Sam and what her reaction to this place would be. She would be torn between loving how gothic and dark this city looked, and how terrible the air quality was, and how there were barely any healthy plants to be seen. On this side of town, anyway.

Danny had run into the nearest alley as soon as he could, fading out of visibility and transforming into his ghost form silently. He had stayed invisible until he was sitting on the roof of the hotel. Not many people would look up, he assumed, and he doubted that the 'Batman' would be out yet. Jazz had warned him to watch out for any of those vigilantes while in Gotham because she didn't want him getting captured or anything. Not like that would ever happen.

Danny sat on that rooftop for what felt like hours. His white hair drifted aimlessly in the air, not caring about gravity whatsoever. His eyes closed and he listened to the sound of traffic and people talking, all surrounded by the sound of a light wind. Everything was calm until a blue puff of air escaped his lips, sending a shiver down his back.

Danny's eyes opened and he looked around. A ghost? He floated up to his feet and scanned the area around him. It had to be close by. But why was it in Gotham? Did it have something to do with all of the ghost hunters coming around for the convention?

He flew above the city, looking down for any flash of green. Sometimes, if the ghost was strong enough, Danny could sense exactly where it was, but this ghost seemed much weaker. Or it was much further away.

As he flew, he was getting much closer to the center of the city, and much further away from his hotel. He hoped Jazz wouldn't worry too much. The sun had long since set and Danny didn't have time to send her a message warning her that he would be late. He would be fine, right? No need to worry her, he'll be back before morning, anyway. Right now, he just needed to find that ghost before one of the other hunters visiting this city did.

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