A Very Real Gun -Chapter 12

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The first half of this chapter is Danny's POV of that last chapter.

TW: Violence, Non-graphic description of injury, panic attack.


Danny glanced down at himself, -or, he guessed, Tim's self. There was blood spatter on their shirt, and he could feel it on his face. The halfa glanced up at the whimpering man above them clutching his arm like it was a lifeline.

Danny was going to be okay with getting punched in the face. He could just apologize to Tim later and hope they could heal faster. Maybe he could ice it later? But watching the man above him get shot was not what he was expecting.

Danny sensed something in the shadows from where the gunshot originated. A man in a red helmet dressed in weapons galore prowled out from the shadows like a cat. Danny stared at him, he could feel energy flowing off of him. Power, anger, aggression, protection.

'The Red Hood'Well that answers that question. Mr. Hood froze after staring at Tim for a second. Something was up. Suddenly in his periphery, he saw one of the goons next to him hold up his rifle and open fire on the man.

Red Hood quickly jumped out of the way and hid behind one of the crates that were -for some reason- so plentiful in this building. "Friend or foe?" Danny asked as he winced at the sound of the rifle going off.

"Welllll." BANG! BANG! Two shots and the goon was taken down. "friiiiend?"

"You don't seem very sure about that!"

Danny felt Tim's apprehension. "Well, I mean he is an anti-hero... But he did try to kill me once." Hood ran over to them and started on the ropes tying them down. "But I'm pretty sure he's here to help... I hope."

Now that the man was much closer Danny could feel anger, frustration. It was overwhelming him. It felt as if he were in the presence of another ghost. Hood grabbed onto the front of their blood-stained shirt and lifted them roughly to their feet.

Suddenly there was a bang from behind them, more goons. Danny leapt forward, pushing the both of them to the ground before they could be shot. "Let's hope he won't kill us then," Danny said.

Hood quickly rolled over the top of them and started firing, also blocking their body from any bullets that may fly in their direction with his own. Danny winced at the sound of all the gunfire. At least the rifles the ghost hunters use are much quieter and more like laser sounds. Not like the cacophony of mini explosions that echo around in his brain.

Hood had gotten up now. That was Danny's cue. Danny stumbled to his feet trying to ignore the ringing in his ears. He forgot how sensitive they are sometimes, although being in a human body helped. One of the goons snuck up behind them and grabbed them in a reverse bear hug, lifting their feet off the ground.

Danny pulled himself free with a little added strength and socked the guy in the jaw. He didn't like the feeling of being able to be grabbed at any time, he really missed his intangibility, that way he could get away and not be trapped.

More shots spread their way. Were these guys just waving their guns around at this point? But then he felt it - it felt like his side was pierced. He quickly reached down to where the pain came from and pressed his hand there. But when he pulled his hand away he saw blood. Not his blood...Tim's blood.

Ancients! He just got Tim shot. Danny stepped back staring at his hand in shock. He didn't want to hurt the human, he didn't want him to die. This was all a big misunderstanding, he just didn't want to be dissected, that's all... but now he hurt someone.

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