Breathe -Chapter 19

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Okay, now Jazz was freaking out. She had given up on trying to call her brother after the twenty-seven voicemails she left on his phone. If he hadn't picked anything up so far, he was definitely not going to be looking at his phone anytime soon.

She sighed deeply. She had only fallen asleep once despite her determination to keep awake and stare at her phone, only barely fighting the urge to run out into Gotham on a hunt for her brother. But even she knew that going around Gotham at night was practically signing your life away the moment you stepped outside of the hotel.

She had only closed her eyes for a second, and she had managed to get three hours of sleep. She awoke in a panic, immediately reached down and checked her phone, reading through everything and trying to make sure that Danny hadn't somehow messaged her saying something like "Hey, sorry, got lost with some ghost friends." Or even, "Got in a fight with Skulker, only lost an arm this time." Just anything!

She sighed deeply. Her heart was racing and a feeling of tension coiled in her throat. One quick glance around the room revealed that her parents had already left for the convention. It wasn't that far, really — it was only down the block from the hotel they were staying at.

Her fingers tapped absently on her phone case. What could she do? She has no other way to contact him other than to track him down. And even then that won't be a very good idea without backup. Sure she has the 'boo'merang which was keyed onto Danny's ecto-signature at all times. But she wasn't sure she could keep up with it, especially when that thing decides to book it practically in a straight line and doesn't follow any roads.

Maybe she could try and hire Skulker to track Danny down. Though it was a little extreme, it would work. Skulker is an honorable ghost. He would track Danny down and if he was hurt, help him, and bring him back to heal so that he could kill Danny when he is at full strength. He valued a fair hunt. And if Danny was perfectly fine, they would fight, and it was more likely that Danny would win, even with a few scapes. So given the fifty-fifty, and then the second fifty-fifty of the fight, Danny would have almost a seventy-five percent chance of being okay.

She was thinking too far into this. She hung her head down. Was there any ghost that Danny would know in Gotham? Sure, Johnny and Kitty both lived and died in Gotham, but they don't hang around their old home much.

Ancients! What the hell was she supposed to do? With all of the ghost hunters around, he could be in a lab right now. He could be part of the ghost hunting show in a mixture of jars. She could go down there and find that her parents now have a brand new biopsy of her little brother on display and that was all because she couldn't find him! Or maybe...

Her phone rang and it startled her so badly that she almost tossed it out of her lap before grabbing onto it tightly. She looked at the caller ID for a second, only to have her heart sink slightly. It wasn't Danny, but it was someone who could help her.

"Sam." Jazz started, her voice still sounding panicked.

Sam cut through immediately. "Ancients Jazz, what warrants you to try and call me fourteen times! I put my phone down for five hours."

"Danny's gone missing."

"Oh, is that all?" She said nonchalantly. Jazz was about to argue back. Before Sam continued. "Jazz, Danny is not exactly the most reliable when it comes to keeping up with people on where he is. He went missing for at least a week once when he went into the zone and got into a fight and didn't tell us. He has been to prison for multiple days at a time and hadn't been able to call us," Sam explained. Though, luckily, it didn't sound like she was trying to be condescending to Jazz. More like calming, trying to stop Jazz from spiraling and freaking out by giving her examples of where Danny came back okay.

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