Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three

(January 09, 2012)


Lucca's Point of View

My anxiety is through the roof, but so far. No one has approached me. It's almost like last year never happened. Or at least, everyone's pretending that and I'm completely thankful for that.

I walk into the classroom and it's loud, everyone's being pretty obnoxious for like an 8AM math class. I sit in an empty seat and pull out my phone like everyone else.

Me: How's study hall?

Nathan : Comfy, playing some COD

I couldn't help rolling my eyes. No wonder he got that morning study hall, to sleep in or game. I guess he could add gaming to his sports resume.

Me: Wish I we could switch. My math class is full of sophomores I think :(

Nathan : Haha, but at least this is your last semester.

Nathan :I still have a year left! >:(

Me: Sucks lol

The bell rings.

Me: Gtg ttyl

Nathan : Ttyl cutie

I smile from ear to ear, I feel like a cartoon character with hearts in my eyes. I put my phone away and took out my notebook from my bag. Finally time to be 'normal' or whatever. I'm happy to be 'boring' again.


When class is over, I just rush over to Tony and Nathan's dorm. I'm happy I have extra time today to visit before I go home. Nathan should be done with track and field by the time we get there.

I bump into Tony in the hallway as he's unlocking the door.

"Hey Tony!" I greet, waving.

Tony looks at me, "Oh shit, hey Lucca! Welcome back bro!" He gives me a side hug and we go in. No sight of Nathan, but we hear him singing in the bathroom, so he's definitely freshening up.

They moved dorms, this one was as nice as last year's. It was like a big studio apartment with a small kitchen, and granite top island with bar stools. There's a couch in the middle with a TV in front of it, against the wall. Then there were their loft beds on the other side of the room, by a balcony. They had their new PC's under their lofts. It must be nice.

Tony sighs, "He can act, do sports, and dance..., but damn he can't sing for shit."

"Hey, be nice," I chuckle.

"Even your boyfriend has a couple flaws."

I flush bright red, I'm still not used to the boyfriend title yet. Sometimes, I still feel like this is some sort of dream, but I try to remind myself that I deserve to be happy and loved.

The bathroom door flies open and Nathan steps out, with a t-shirt and sweatpants. He's drying his hair with a towel and huffs at Tony, "Nobody's perfect," he turns to look at me, smiling, "Hey you, how was your first day back?"

"Boring, but boring is good," I sigh, sitting down on the couch. I groaned tiredly, "How was yours? Mostly Call Of Duty?"

He flushes, embarrassed, "Well, no. I had science, history, and track. Tomorrow I have English," He mumbles and sits down next to me.

Tony boots up the TV, "At least we get to suffer together."

Nathan smiles at me and puts his arm around my shoulder, "That doesn't sound so bad."

"Get a room," Tony gags as he searches for new movies on Netflix.

I smile back at Nathan and give him a peck on the cheek, "We'll behave," I say and hold his hand.


It's late in the evening, and I finally made it home after a long day. I won't typically stay after too late, but since it was my first day back, I thought it would be nice to hang out with them for a bit.

"I'm home!" I announce as I walk in.

"Hey there!" Jenny says as she peeks from her office, "Your dinner is in the microwave. It should still be warm. It's lasagna!"

"Sounds delicious, thank you!"

She grins, "It's your dad's recipe. I'm in the middle of grading some essays. Alex is with Matty," She says before disappearing into her office again. I can hear her episode of Grey's Anatomy playing in there.

I smile as I kick off my shoes and then set them nicely on the shoe rack. This is home. This feels warm and normal. Now I'm just excited to see my baby.

Quickly, I walk to my room and see Alex holding Matthew as they watch TV. Alex looks so focused on the TV even though it was probably some baby show. Matthew squeals at the TV for a second, then resumes babbling as he plays his pacifier in his hands,

"Hey guys," I say as I walk in and sit on the bed. Matthew starts to scramble and whine, Alex quickly hands him off to me and I take him in my arms. I give him a big hug. "I missed you too, honey. How was your guys' day?" I ask Alex.

She shrugs, "School sucks, teachers suck, and homework sucks, but Matty is a good excuse to watch Disney," She smiles and gently ruffles Matthew's blonde fluffy hair.

"I don't think your mom would agree," I chuckle and look at the movie. They were watching Winnie The Pooh.

Alex sighs, "She doesn't. I'll do it later though. What about you? You have homework too."

"I also have a baby I wanna cuddle before bedtime!" I say and blow a raspberry on Matthew's neck. He screeches and laughs, trying to get away from the tickles.

"Excuses," She says, rolling her eyes and checking her phone. She started playing Angry Birds I think.

Time passes by quickly, and it's not long before I change Matty into a fresh diaper and put him in his crib for the night. The day has ended and now it's time to work on the future. In less dramatic terms, it's just time for homework. The future will come on it's own time.

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