Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

(July 31, 2011)

3:00 PM

Lucca's Point of View

"Good afternoon, my name is Lucca and I'll be your server," I said with a small smile, "What would you like for drinks?"

It was another day at work. I'm actually getting used to it now. My co-workers are pretty nice and like me so far which is pretty good. The days are still so long, but I work hard to keep myself busy to make time go faster so I can go home and be with my boy. I think my only main complaint is the dinner rush because of the pressure of having to go fast.

I finally got paid on Friday a few days ago, but apparently the owner, Mike, made an arrangement with my uncle and gave my earnings directly to him. Uncle Richard figured out the deductions from my 'bills'... Well, I now have an additional $50 to my name. So far with tips included, I'm at $127. Which I can use on either the bus fare or maybe even saving up for a bike. Maybe even towards the moving out fund, but I'm not sure... I might have to consider moving out of state to be able to afford living comfortably with my baby...

Aunt Kate and my cousins have been really good to Matthew. Sunny and Rosemary show me pictures on their phones of them playing with him. It makes me feel so relieved that Matthew is doing ok while I'm away. I miss him throughout the day, but hopefully this will be all worth it.

Once the customers tell me their drink order, I walk over to the bar and ask the bartender to make them their cocktails. I can't make them myself since I'm not technically old enough to mix drinks yet.

"What's on your mind kid?" The bartender asks as she mixes up the first cocktail.

I shrug with a smile, "It's a really nice day out."

The bartender smiles back as she finishes preparing the first drink, "You wanna see the cute babes at the beach, huh?"

I flush pink, "No- it's not like that."

"Sure it's not," She chuckles, "You plan on working on your tan instead?"

"Yeah that's the reason," I mumble. My co-workers don't know I'm gay, or really anything about me and that's okay with me. I have no interest in making any relationships at the moment I guess. I've felt pretty isolated these past two months. I miss Tony and Nathan...

Nathan... It's a name I've tried to... avoid thinking about, but of course I'm unsuccessful. His memory is like one of those catchy radio ads, you're minding your own business and out of nowhere, it creeps into your thoughts and it's stuck in your head for a while. I try to pretend that I'm ok with this. I'm not ok. Whatever though I'll be okay eventually.

I hear the bartender set down the second drink on the tray, "Your shift is almost over if that makes you feel better about missing out on another perfect day."

I pick up the tray, "It does, thank you." I head back over to the nice couple and resume giving 120% good customer service in order to rake in good tips.

It was just another day in my boring life. Which is ok I think. Nothing amazing or terrible was happening, everything was just... ok and boring. I kind of hope to keep it that way because this is probably the closest I'll get to having a stable life. This is just a phase in life that I'll have to work hard to overcome.

I can do this.


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